Without a Doubt

3photoWell after seven weeks of teaching the children here at project Samuel in Zambia Africa I know without a doubt I am right in the middle of God’s will for my life. I have never known with such certainty that I was making as great of an impact in so many lives before. When I started teaching English lessons Susan and Silvia two of the cutest twins I have ever seen could not recognize any letter in the alphabet except the letter a and now after almost two months of classes they know more then half of their alphabet. Also Dorothy on of the sweetest girls here at project Samuel when I started teaching her how to read she had trouble knowing the letter sounds and now the other day she read me an entire children’s book. I thank God everyday for putting me in the lives of these children because I know without God’s grace and strength I would not be here or be able to give these children a chance at a better life. Please pray for me for guidance and confidence. Amanda and Chris will be going back to the states this week and so I will be teaching both of our woman’s Bible studies for a month by my self. I know with the Holy Spirit I have nothin to worry about but I have to admit I am a little nervous because this will be my first time to lead a bible study. Thank you again for you support and prayers. Every time I feel afraid or I am alone all I have to remember I how many friends I have back home cheering for me.
