Week four at the Dream Center

Well like always I must say I had another incredible week! Monday I caught up on a lot of my sleep after we counted the offering for the church. Tuesday we canvassed for our His Hands clothing ministry in one of our adopt a block sites that Dave is the site leader for. It was cool to meet some of Dave’s friends and to see how much they love him and he loves them. It inspired me to want that kind of relationship with the people at my site. Wednesday and Thursday we spent most all day in the office, which was good for me because I was able to finish some work that I couldn’t last week. Friday was awesome we went to a retirement home to visit the residents there. We sang some song for them and then I gave a little devotion about having the best day of your life. After our devotion I colored with four ladies and just chatted with them about different things. Some of the boys with us had a guitar and they asked me to sing with them for a lady that asked for them to sing for her again. We had the best time with them. Friday night we again gave out food and water bottles to the homeless on Skid Row. I did not see my friend from last week there but I pray she found a place to stay. Saturday at adopt a block Alicia my friend introduce me to one of her good friends big mama ad they call her. We had a great time talking to big mama about old revival meeting and different experience she has had in her life time. Alicia and I also did some chores around the house. After we got back to the dream center I went with Dave and Dustin to help a family move to our family floor here at the dream center. They are volunteering here in our after school program and just needed a place to stay. Sunday after church I went on a hike with some of my friends up a mountain to a waterfall it was amazingly beautiful. We played in the water and had a little bible study on 2 Corinthians 12:9. We are going to do something like this ever other week. I am so glad that the Lord gave me this year.