Third Trip January, 2010 Day 3

Today was a wonderful kingdom warfare day. We went to see our friends at Amparo De Ninos in Madrid. It houses eighty-five boys eight to eighteen in an old monastery in the country. This boys orphanage is so much different than the Pro Nacer orphanage that we visited on Monday. This is a government institution and most of the boys are from the street so it has a little harder edge to it. The boys are less open to relationships. Nevertheless, I knew my daughter Beverly was highly anticipating going back to this orphanage because of the boys she had made friends with there in June. We were so happy to see some of our old friends and to make many new ones. After visiting for awhile, the boys were assembled and Chuck spoke to the boys. He shared with them about trust and encouraged them to put that trust in Jesus as their only hope for this life and the life to come. There were also many opportunities to share about Christ in one on one conversations. Right after the assembly, a cute little boy about eight years old named Samuel came up and took my hand and said, “Benga con migo a lonche” (come with me to lunch). We went through the line and had a customary Colombian lunch of meat, rice, salad, soup, and juice. I really enjoyed chatting with several boys while Samuel climbed all over me and pelted me with tons of questions. He was very, very cute. After lunch, we handed out the gifts. Each boy received a stocking cap, tennis shoes, pajamas, a Hot-Wheels car, and a letter of love from somebody in Texas. The letters meant so much to the boys. At one point I looked around to see that all of my girls were ok and accounted for and my heart swelled with joy to see Rebekah, Beverly, Brooke, Ginary, and Heidy helping, and taking pictures, and visiting with the boys. I am such a blessed man. Thank you God for allowing us to all be here together sharing your love with these young men and boys. As always there were lots of hugs, smiles, and a few tears. God had given us such an awesome team. It was a joy to see each of them giving of themselves recklessly to show the love of Jesus to these hurting boys. Luis, one of our translators, had an idea about showing the boys how to make newspaper hats and decorate them. They were really neat. I remember at one point looking around and seeing Kamala making a hat for a boy and they both had the biggest smile you could imagine. After our visit, part of the team went shopping for the items that we will need on Friday and Saturday for a big cook out with these boys and one hundred and sixty girls at Ciudad De La Nina nearby. The rest of the team enjoyed the shops near the hotel, shooting each other with silly string, and a fun dinner. Being here with my daughters and Goddaughters has been one of the sweetest things ever in my life. We have laughed, and teased, and loved on each other and the rest of the team. My heart is full and I am looking forward to seeing my little friends at Ciudad De La Nina tomorrow. Please keep praying for this team and our families. We are deep in enemy (spiritually) territory and we can feel it but we know Who sent us here and are excited about the work that He is doing in us and through us. We all have many stories of Divine appointments and relationship connections being made. Praise His name!