Third Trip, January, 2010 Day 1

Glory! We had a wonderful first day! After the long day of travel yesterday it was nice to start out a little slow this morning. We had breakfast together in the hotel and then sat around and visited with the Goddaughters and the team until lunch time. We had lunch and then went to Pro Nacer Orphanage. It is a small city orphanage that I wrote about in September that has 50 boys in what amounts to a 3-story house. We were first given a tour of this immaculately clean and very organized house. The boys were then led into a single room for an assembly. I was privileged to share the gospel with them from John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” The team had been working on a theme for the trip and one of the verses that came up was this one. I was excited because I had already been thinking that I would use this verse to speak to the children this week. I explained to them that because of Jesus coming into the world and because of His sacrifice on the cross that we can now, by faith, become the children of God. In this life we may lose parents, we may long to have a father who loves us and protects us but by faith in Jesus we can have a Heavenly Father who will never leave us, who will always love and protect us. I shared with them that this life is but a vapor. It appears for a little while and then vanishes away. But eternity is forever. This life with its trials and tragedies and failures and disappointments is only a testing ground for the next life. It is a school where we learn about ourselves and our sinfulness, where we learn about a savior who takes away our sin and gives us the right to become the children of God, where we have the opportunity to put our faith in this savior and by doing so we pass the test. We finish the school of this life and we go to live with our Father forever. I challenged them to check their hearts and know if the Holy Spirit was confirming this word in them. Then I encouraged them to cry out to the savior so that they could become His children and live forever with Him. One of our translators, Alexandra, later told me that the director of the orphanage excitedly told her that my message was exactly what they have been teaching the boys about this life and about the love of God and that it was a confirmation from God for them to hear it again and this time from a stranger. The director said that as the boys were listening to the message, they would look at her as if to say, “Hey that‘s what you have been telling us, it must be true.” Praise God that He orchestrates these things for His glory. We enjoyed many other amazing providences today as well. The gifts were then passed out to each boy by name. These were red bags that the ladies had stayed up late into the night last night packing for each boy by name and clothing size from a list we had received from the orphanage previously. In the big red bag was a New Testament in spanish, a set of pajamas, a pair of tennis shoes, a matchbox car and some other toys. The boys were so excited to open their gifts and there were many “thank you’s” and the customary Colombian kiss on the cheek. Some of the team went to buy some items for the boys where they had identified a need and also a new washing machine for the orphanage while the rest of the team went outside to play… and play we did. I think all of us over 30 folks may have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning! There was basketball, soccer, frisbee, wrestling, and I think some um… er…. Kung Fu fighting or something. It was a wonderful time. We finally said our goodbyes but not for long for they will be joining us later in the week with another orphanage for hotdogs and ice cream. We had a wonderful dinner, laughed so much we nearly got thrown out of the restaurant, and came back to the hotel where all the daughters got to talk to my family back home on the video chat. Well, I had better get to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow at the half-way houses for the orphans who have aged out of the orphanage and are trying to find jobs and or going to school. Please continue your prayers for us.