Tag Rebekah Bullen

My God Will Hear Me


img_5344In May of this year my adopted sister Mercy and I had the unbelievable opportunity to visit her biological family in Liberia and see the work God is doing through Mercy’s House there. During our trip we had a life altering experience and it has taken me this long to write or even talk about it because I needed time to understand what God was telling me through this experience. For you to understand the significance of my experience I need to tell you some of my past struggles.


I had what most people would think was a perfect life. I was raised in a loving family who were totally devoted to God and His mission in the world. I met God at a young age and fell in love with Him as a teenager. I never “sowed my wild oats” as a teenager. I committed my whole life to God which lead me to serve in inner city Los Angeles, Zambia, Rwanda and Colombia. But even with this seemly flawless life, I was tortured by self-doubt, depression, anxiety, worthlessness, and a desire to leave this life. I was never suicidal but I wanted God to take me “home”. I prayed that He would give me an incurable disease or let me die on the mission field somehow. I had this overwhelming feeling that this life was to hard and I just couldn’t take anymore disappointments or hurts. You see, I was molested at a young age and I know that had a lot to do with my feelings. But through counseling and Bible-studies I had started healing and even forgave the person who hurt me. I started understanding my worth in Christ. I knew He had a plan for me and He had a mission for me in this world. I knew He loved me and I was His spotless Bride but still I couldn’t shake the feeling that I didn’t want to live here any longer. Every time I took a step in the right direction; I would pray and admit to God what I was feeling and ask Him to help me; I would still wake up the next morning feeling the same way. I was still living the life I knew God wanted me too but my heart was never fully in it. So now that you are caught up, back to Liberia.


img_5186Liberia has some of the most beautiful beaches and ocean I have ever seen. So one day while Mercy and I were in Liberia we decided we wanted to go swimming at the beach right next to her sister Olive’s house with Olive and her daughter, Little Mercy. Mercy and I had played in the ocean the day before but didn’t go in very far. We wanted to jump the waves and play in the beautifully warm and clear water. We were having the time of our lives until a wave more powerful than the rest came and quickly pushed us both out to sea. Suddenly I couldn’t touch the sand any longer and the waves were so strong I could barely keep my head above the water. Mercy was right next to me screaming as loud as she could for help. I am a better swimmer then she so I tried to swim back to the beach while holding onto her but I only succeeded in allowing Mercy to push me under the water and hold me under until I almost filled my lungs with water. When I finally struggled free of Mercy and lifted my head out of the water, I was nearly out of strength. As I looked back at the beach, I realized we were so far out now that even if I swam by myself I couldn’t get back. At that moment I thought, “why are you trying so hard, isn’t this what you want, to die here in the mission field? This really isn’t your fault. You could just stop swimming now and it would all be over.” But as I looked at Mercy desperately trying to keep her head out of the water, I knew I couldn’t give up. I had to keep on trying. And at that moment I began to hear Mercy praying “God please help me! This can’t be the end!” And I started praying too, “God please! I don’t want this to be the end!” Suddenly I heard God answer me, “are you sure, I thought you where done, I thought you wanted to die.” I said, “ No I was wrong, I have so much to live for, I want to see my nieces and nephews grow up.” Then I thought about my family and all the people God had given me in my life and I realized how selfish I had been and I repented and asked God for one more chance. At that moment a huge wave came literally out of nowhere and shoved Mercy and me back toward the beach and I was able to make it back to again get my feet on the sand; I helped Mercy reach me, pulled her in, and we walked back to the beach hand in hand then dropped on the sand and lay there a long while just breathing. From that moment until now I have been free from all the depression I had felt and I wake up every morning thanking God for another chance to live and do what He has called me to do.


img_5292 After four months of reflection on why God allowed us to almost drown and then saved us, I have come to some conclusions and I want to share then with you.


First, God can deliver you from anything. He not only saved us from the water but also freed me from the depression that had haunted me most of my life. I can truthfully say I am finally and fully fee! Praise my Jesus!


Second, You can’t save someone if you are also drowning. This might sound weird but it has opened my eyes to most people’s condition. We always want to judge people and be angry at them for not being better people and helping us when we need them. But most people are going through more than we know or will ever know. They can’t help you when they can barely keep themselves swimming. God, however, can save you and He is all you need.


Third, Jesus hears you and will answer in His time. Maybe not as dramatically as He did for me but He will answer you as He see best.


Here are some of the scriptures that have meant the world to me in the last couple of months. I hope they show you how Great our God truly is. He can do what He wants at any time and He is so passionately in Love with us that He hears us when we pray!

[quote] “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant with Joy, their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.” Psalm 34:4-6[/quote]
[quote] “But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the One who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God.” Isaiah 43:1-3a[/quote]
[quote] “He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me.” Psalms 18:16-17 [/quote]
[quote] “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you . Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 [/quote]
[quote] “This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust in Him.” Psalm 91:2[/quote]

Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Rebekah depends on the donations of big-hearted people like you to continue the amazing work she is doing around the world.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

301 Pruitt Rd #1030

Spring, TX 77380


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

My Miracle


“Rebekah, will you go and work with me in Liberia?” asked my sister Mercy. For you to understand why this was a miraculous answer to my and my family’s many prayers, I must tell you the whole story.


n811950234_7664418_3856614 Mercy came to us through an email in 2008 asking us to help a 13-year-old orphan girl from Liberia, Africa who weighed 48 lbs., was dying, and needed a life-saving surgery. Three years before when she was 10-years-old Mercy had accidentally ingested lye, a colorless, odorless chemical also called caustic soda which is used to process rubber from the rubber trees on the plantation where Mercy grew up. Her esophagus was destroyed and she had lain in a hospital and eventually an orphanage for 3 years begging God and her caretakers to let her die.


Over the next several months we helped Mercy through the surgery and recovery and eventually the people who brought her from Africa came and on July 3, 2008 literally dropped her on our doorstep.


12112167_10156246700970235_4935820337397316626_n Because of the things she suffered living through the Liberian civil war and growing up without a mother or father, she rejected our love. Mercy thought that by rejecting us, she would save herself the pain of (in her mind) our inevitable rejection of her. Mercy wanted to go back to her home and every thing she knew before she came to the US. So after almost two years in our home she ran away from our home and we thought we had lost her for ever. One Christmas without her I remember wanting to be happy that our family was together but feeling the awful pain of not having Mercy there. I remember it felt like my entire being was crying out to God; asking Him to please bring my sister back to our family.


One day after more than a year of not hearing from her or knowing where she was, Mercy called my dad out of the blue. I don’t think there was ever more excitement in my heart than when I saw her the first time after that. We’ve had our ups and downs since then but we are now family.


12144955_10156222985980235_4530119584391343686_n So to shorten the rest of the story. Last year a pastor from Liberia called my dad out of the blue to ask him to preach a crusade last October. Through more miracles and crazy stories, Mercy was able to go with my dad to Liberia for the first time since her adoption. She had a very tearful reunion with her biological family and her heart was renewed with a desire to help the people of Liberia.


After they retuned my dad was able to raise enough money to buy land for an orphanage and school to support the children of Liberia. We have chosen the name Mercy’s House because of the miracle she is and we are praying to be a vehicle for God to preform miracles in the lives of many other children.


After they retuned my dad was able to raise enough money to buy land for an orphanage and school to support the children of Liberia. We have chosen the name Mercy’s House because of the miracle she is and we are praying to be a vehicle for God to preform miracles in the lives of many other children.

[quote] “You have shown me the way of life. In Your presence is fulness of JOY and at Your right hand is pleasure evermore.” Psalm 16:11[/quote]

Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Rebekah depends on the donations of big-hearted people like you to continue the amazing work she is doing around the world.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

301 Pruitt Rd #1030

Spring, TX 77380


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

Just Remember and Trust


One reason I forget God’s grace in my life or how He has come through for me is fear. I start to believe God no longer cares about me because of my failures or that I have somehow stepped out of His will for my life. One day I hear one of my friends has cancer, or one of my family members are in the hospital. I get sick and have to stop serving on mission. Then I begin to ask “Why God?” “What did I do or not do?” “Why are my prayers bouncing off of the ceiling?” Then I start to believe God is not the good God He said He is.


But why do I do this? Because I am allowing myself to live in fear and I stop trusting in God. Trusting God means I believe He is who He says He is no matter what I see in my life. Trust means I believe I am who God says I am, no matter the mistakes I make. I have to believe that God feels about me what He said He feels, that God loves me and wants me as His bride, no matter what I feel like on any given day.

[quote] “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” Matthew 6:28-33 [/quote]

Me and Brooke Do I really believe this passage when that job falls through or the rent is due and I don’t know where the money is coming from? Do I truly believe and trust that God loves me more than the flowers or birds of the air? Sure it’s easy to believe God loves and cares for you when you have a big bank account and a nice new car but what about when you are on the mission field and you are down to your last fifty dollars, and suddenly your missionary sister wants to make a donation to a church that is struggling and it almost physically hurts you to give that money away? What about when the only car you have is totaled in an accident, what then?


That is what real trust in God looks like. Believing He has you even when you can’t take another step because life isn’t going the way you want it too. Knowing He has your best in mind even when you can’t believe saying “good bye” could be anywhere near best for you.

[quote]“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11[/quote]

That is what real trust in God looks like. Believing He has you even God knows no matter how dark the night is, the beauty of the morning is worth the night. The joy of seeing God give you just what you needed just in time is worth any trial. I know with out a doubt that losing a car or a job means God will give us a new one or He has a way for us to make it without one. I know and trust He would never harm us. God is a good Father! All I have to do is trust that He is good and remember how far He has bought me! Every day God shows me just how much He loves me through giving me just what I need no matter the circumstances.


12112167_10156246700970235_4935820337397316626_nLike the time Brooke and I were eating at a restaurant in Colombia and just as we finished we realized that we had forgotten to go by the ATM first but when we counted out the money we had between us it amounted to exactly what we needed down to the last peso (1/3000 of a dollar). Like my dad being able minister in Liberia, Africa through a miracle, with my beloved adopted sister Mercy in her home city. Like my friend in Zambia asking me to help the ladies of the Bible study group I was a part of buy some paint because they wanted to bless my beloved church I attended while there and I had just enough to help them buy all the paint they needed. Like a dear friend giving my family her car! God has been too good to me to doubt that He is anything but the loving Father He is! And He is the same in your life. You just have to remember and trust! Trust that He loves you and will never harm you!

[quote]“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11

Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Rebekah depends on the donations of big-hearted people like you to continue the amazing work she is doing around the world.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

301 Pruitt Rd #1030

Spring, TX 77380


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

Just Remember

IMG_4501 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:24-26


IMG_4578 I’ve read these verses so many times they’ve become like second nature. I’ve taught Bible studies on relying on God using these verses. And I’ve encouraged my family through the truth in these verses so many times. But still, every time my plans don’t work out or I can’t see how we are going to make our goal or pay rent or the road ahead looks hard; I worry and start to get sick to my stomach. I know in my heart God cares more for me than “the birds of the air” but in my humanness and weakness, I doubt He will come through for me. I know this is hard to believe that someone who lives in a foreign country completely by faith would have doubts or anxiety about God’s provision but I am just as human as the next person. Then I get mad at myself and ask “how can you so easily forget what God has done for us?” I know I am not alone in my struggle. I know believing God will care for you is a hard lesson to learn but I think to myself “isn’t the distance God has brought you so far enough evidence that He will always come through?” And the answer is that it is but we as humans still on this earth easily forget. We need a constant reminder of how good God is! That He truly is enough for us! That God is the only source of joy and peace!


IMG_4580 I believe that is why Paul in everyone of his Epistles repeats how Jesus saved him or how beautiful Christ was to him. God also commanded the Israelites in Deu. 11:20 to write His words on their doorposts of their houses and on their gates so that their children would follow after God. How often do I tell my story of God’s love for me? Do I meditate on God’s promises to me? Life is a war and what person goes in to a battle with out a shield? In Eph. 6:16, Paul tell us to take up the Shield of Faith to extinguish the darts of the evil one. Our shield is our Faith but we have to renew our faith by remembering what we believe and why. I will sometimes lose faith then I stop believing because I start to doubt either WHO God is or WHAT God has promised He would do for me. One of my favorite verses is Lamentations 3:22-23 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”


IMG_4581 God is never disappointed in me! This is sometimes hard for me to believe but it’s true. God’s mercy and faithfulness is always there for me. No matter how faithful I am. God is alway ready to renew my faith when I doubt! He is always ready to pull me up into His arms and chase my fears away! He always provides and cares for me. I will never let myself forget my Beloved’s love for me or His amazing grace!


My latest fear was that Brooke and I would not be able to get an apartment here in Colombia or would not be able to afford a good one. After a month and half it seemed like we would never get one. But two days ago God blessed us with a beautiful apartment beyond our wildest dreams! And we have already purchased our beds and they will be delivered in a couple of days! God is so good! We are praying for a couch, table and washing machine. But I know God is able!!!


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

Why Do It?


Why do you want to give up your comfortable American lifestyle to minister to the poor and hurting overseas? Why did you give up a chance to go to college and a have a good career and instead only own what can be put into two suitcases? Why go to places where you can get sick or contract an incurable disease or be kidnapped or killed? Why do you do it?


Every time I am asked these questions I think back to my first mission trip. I was twenty-years-old when my father and younger sister Beverly visited Colombia for the first time in 2009. Our family was in a dark place and I was dead inside. My father was a pastor and we had started two churches in our living room so to the outside world we looked like the prefect family. We worshipped God every Sunday and served our church members throughout the week but when everyone left it was like a cloud of past pain and hatred of those who hurt us settled into our house. I will never forget the fact that we could no longer talk or have fun as a family because we were haunted by our pain. So I wanted out anyway I could find. I needed something to live for.


IMG_3808 So when they came back from that mission trip full of passion and a renewed love for God, I knew I had to go and see what they had found. For three months I asked my dad when I could go with him to Colombia and the day he called me into his office to let me know we were going, I remember running and jumping into his arms because I knew I HAD to go… I couldn’t stay who I was…


God always answers our heart’s desires! Most of the time we don’t even know what we are looking for or what we need but the most amazing thing is God gives us exactly what we need even when we don’t know what to ask for.


IMG_3696-1 I knew I needed something but I didn’t know what was missing. But when I walked into the orphanage that my dad had visited three months earlier, I found it. I didn’t know I was missing the heart of God… but I was… I had grown up in the church and worked in the ministry most of my life but I had somehow missed the heart of God and it left a gaping hole in my heart. I could never understand why I wasn’t passionate for God or why Christianity seemed like a chore to me. But when I looked into the eyes of those love-starved children, looking for someone, anyone to show them the love of their Daddy God, I finally understood that I had missed a relationship with Jesus. I needed to know Christ and I didn’t. I had head knowledge but I didn’t know Jesus because I hadn’t experienced His presence and I didn’t know His heart or what He was passionate about.


My fist trip changed my life because it set me on a mission to know the heart of God and through knowing Christ I was finally healed from my past. He loved away all of my pain and that’s why now, nothing this world could offer would tempt me to not give God my all, because He gave me His all. Why do what I do? Because I can’t not. I love Jesus too much to not give all I have! His love makes it worth it! I follow the heart of God no matter where it takes me. Because as my dad says, “I have a holy addiction to His love!” And a big part of God’s heart is for the poor and fatherless! Psalms 68:5, “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation.”


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

His Arms

Diplaced-child-girl-in-ColombiaMy eyes strained to adjust to the dim light; I could hear the laughter of little children, and I thought to myself “how could they find joy here?” I was standing in the most hellish place imaginable. It was a rat infested “hotel”, that smelled of urine and filth. It would be unimaginable for anyone to live in this place but what broke my heart was the knowledge that over forty children lived in these conditions. They slept in a pile of blankets because there was no beds and they ran around naked or with just underwear because they had nothing else.


To say we were taken aback by “Hotel Hell” as my dad called it would be an understatement but as we walked in we were greeted by the joy of the children that live there. I could see four sets of little eyes looking at us from under their filthy blankets lying on the floor and all we had to say was “Hola” and these beautiful children came running to meet us. They jumped into our arms and they wouldn’t let us put them down for the rest of the night.


Even while sharing a devotion about Jesus with the kids and passing out sandwiches and hot chocolate to all the residents, we held as many of the kids in our arms as we could at once. Nic Arnold, one of our team, danced with the little girls until he could barely stand. By the end of the night our arms felt like they were going to fall off but all I could think was how grateful I was that for one night I could be Christ’s arms to those sweet little children. He was able to hold His babies through us and I would not trade that for anything in this world. I also realized you can find God anywhere! Even in unbelievably horrible situations, He is there!


I am reading the story of a missionary to children who has experienced the horrors of war in Africa, and her story so reminded me of the presence of God even in pain. I want to close with a quote from her book “The Color of Grace” that illustrates what we saw in these children.


[quote]“I remember two little girls I spotted in Congo. They were holding hands when our team drove past them. They were covered in dirt and wore tattered dresses, and their feet were bare. Behind them stood a massive volcano that had erupted six years earlier and destroyed 40 percent of their city of Goma. Less than twenty kilometers to their left, warring rebel groups were fighting and people were dying in the crossfire. And what were these little girls doing? They were dancing. They were laughing and singing and radiating joy. Why? Because they had no idea they weren’t supposed to dance. They did not know they were supposed to be sad or unhappy. God was living inside them, amid all the destruction, and He was beaming from the inside out.”[/quote]


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.



11100230_10155458608465235_2327303009419518913_nMy heart soared as my feet touched Colombian soil again after five years. Five years was way too long! As we stood in what seemed like an endless line at immigration, I couldn’t wait to wrap my arms around my beloved brother Juan David and my sister Heidy. Juan David was waiting for us outside of the airport but it wasn’t until the next evening that I finally held Heidy in my arms. In that moment my heart erupted into praise to my heavenly Father for giving me a brother and sister. Even though I didn’t meet them until Heidy was thirteen and Juan David was ten, God always planned for us to be family. We are family!


10436691_794591150626757_8890690886497980390_n I had so much fun just playing and watching movies together. Doing all the things families do together and I thought about how beautiful it will be when we reach heaven, when we will finally have a big family reunion. When there will be no goodbyes and nothing will ever separate us again. When I will finally see my heavenly Father face to face and I can stay in His presence forever with everyone I love with me. That is something to look forward to! And until then, my mission is to grow our family as much as I can! My desire for heaven is for it to overflow with the praises of my huge family!


I ask you to think of your family. Whom do you want to join you in heaven. Pray for them and enlarge your circle so as to bring even more to the thrown of God. Jesus loves your family more than you can imagine! He will do what you cannot.


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

Please Send Me

10509534_10203109132147677_2530338160352182132_n“Aunty Rebekah! I want to go to school!” “Papi Mateo! Please send me to school!”


When was the last time you heard a child beg to go to school. In America we find it hard to believe a child would want to go to school, let alone beg to go. Yet I know so many children just waiting and praying for an opportunity to go to school but they can’t go. I met a man in Africa that would run for three hours every morning to get to school as a boy. He would leave his home at 4:00 am every day. Can you image having to just walk that long, not even run! With this great of a desire for something worth wanting, it breaks my heart to know so many children that can’t reach their dream of just going to school because of finances. I know I can’t help every child but I do want to share a couple of stories with you of children God has allowed me to send to school.


IMG_6989 Meet my sisters and brother,


God has given us the great privilege of adopting Ginary & Heidy & Juan David into our family. Ginary grew up in the orphanages and on the streets of Bogota, Colombia. She came to our family at age 14 and we could not be more blessed than to have her in our family. Ginary is a nail technician and is going to college in Colombia.


Heidy, grew up in the orphanages and on the streets of Bogota, Colombia as well. She came to our family at age 13. Heidy is a joy and delight to everyone who knows her. She is an accomplished artist and has a beautiful singing voice. Heidy is in school in Colombia and wants to work in the ministry with her family someday.


Juan David, grew up in the orphanages and on the streets of Bogota, Colombia as well. He came to our family at age 10. Juan David is the first orphan we met on their first day of our first trip to Colombia. Juan David is going to high school in Bogota Colombia.


Meet Esteban,


My dad and sister met Esteban on a preaching tour in Colombia in April, 2014. He and his brother were abandoned by their father at a young age and their mother was struggling to keep a roof over their head and couldn’t keep him in school. With your help we were able to fully pay his school for 2014 and 2015. Below is the link to a video he sent us recently. If you play it to the end you can see his sweet thank you message.


Meet Anderson,


My dad met Anderson while preaching in Medellin, Colombia. Anderson is a young seminary student preparing for the ministry who was sitting out a semester because of a lack of funds. We were able to pay for his semester so that someday he can stand and preach the word of God to the people of Colombia! Please pray for Anderson as we have not been able to help him again this semester and so he is currently sitting out this semester again.


Meet Pastor Ndagijimana Jean de Dieu’s son,


My dad and I met pastor Jean for the first time in Rwanda, Africa in January. I immediately felt the love of God in His whole family and when he told us He hadn’t been able to send his son to high school because he didn’t have the $200.00 USD, I knew we had to help. Pastor Jean’s son plays all the music for their church and has one of the most sweetest smiles I have ever seen. I am so blessed to have been able to help this amazing family.


Meet Morris,


I never had the chance to meet Morris but I learned about him from Mrs. Liboma, a very good friend of mine in Zambia, Africa. Morris is a next door neighbor of Mrs. Liboma, whose father has abandoned him and his invalid mother. What touched me most about Morris’s story was that Mrs. Liboma cared so much for him because he has the condition of Dwarfism as does Mrs. Liboma’s granddaughter. Through Mrs. Liboma we were able to send Morris to high school. Praise God.


Your continued support for this ministry and the work that God continues to send my father make it possible for these young people to get an education. They are the future of the kingdom’s expansion throughout the world! Please pray for us as every day we meet more young people like these with no expectations, working hard, but just not able to get the education they need and deserve.


Thank you,


Rebekah Bullen

Missionary to the world with Mission Critical International!

To the praise of my Beloved Savior


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Africa


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.

Childlike Faith


Little hands stretched as high up in the air as they could go. Her little voice crying softy but as strong as she could, “Mommy, Mommy”. My little niece desires to be held any time I can hold her but especially when she thinks I am going somewhere. Anytime I head in the direction of the door, she will start waddling after me calling “mommy” instead of auntie because she doesn’t want me to leave her. Aerowyn trusts and loves me completely. She trusts me to hold her, feed her, care for her and protect her. She wants to spend every minute possible with me. Aerowyn doesn’t wait for me to come find her, she follows me every where I go.


Africa Girl Every time I spend time with my niece who is one year old, I think of Jesus and what He said about children. “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Matthew 19:13-14. As well as, “Matthew 18:2-5, He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” As I read these passages I ask myself, “Do I trust God as Aerowyn trusts me”? “Do I follow Jesus where ever He goes”? “Do I look to see where He is at and do I run after Him? “Do I stretch out my arms to be held by my Beloved Father”?


IMG_3302I am committed to trust my Beloved Jesus and Father with the faith of a child. I am devoted to working at having childlike faith every day. What about you? Will you have faith and trust in Jesus like a child? He is worth trusting. He is able to keep you and care for you like no one else can.
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26


I am personally trusting in God right now for a supernatural mission trip with my dad to Zambia and Rwanda Africa. Please pray with me for support and Holy Spirit power on these trips.



Rebekah Bullen


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Zambia


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to Rebekah in Zambia.

How Much More

Rebekah Playing with Patricia

“At least Auntie Rebekah is coming back and we will see her again” said Patricia with a tear in her eye. I was sitting on the porch the night before my flight back to the States with my arms wrapped around Patricia trying not to cry as all the children and our house mothers begged me not to go.


Rebekah reading with ChildrenI hate good byes of any kind but saying good bye to these kids here at Project Samuel is especially hard because they see so many people come into their lives only to leave and never return and so they have a hard time believing you will be different. I knew with all my heart I had to take some time off because of my health but the longer I am away from these kids the more that God confirms my calling and that these children need me to show them His love.


“Auntie Rebekah read to me please, Auntie Rebekah help me with my home work, Auntie Rebekah play with me”. This is what I miss so much when I must leave our beloved children at Project Samuel. Every second I am away from them I pray God keeps them until I can hold them in my arms again.


ChildrenFeeling like I do makes Luke 11:13 so hard to believe and yet so beautiful. “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give good gifts to you who ask.” If I love these children so much and I am willing to give so much to them, how much more does God love me and these children and what will He not do for us?


Pray for me as I start raising support for next year as well as my plane ticket back. I know God will provide for all my needs and I will soon have my arms around our sweet children!



Rebekah Bullen


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Zambia


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to Rebekah in Zambia.

More Blessed


_MG_7189I can’t believe sometimes the great privilege God has given me! To live and minister here at Project Samuel with this wonderful group of people, is an incredible blessing! I can’t find the right words to express how grateful I am to serve in a ministry that not only touches the lives of the children we care for and the community but God also uses us to affect the lives of everyone who comes here to Project Samuel to serve. We had an amazing summer this year and were honored to host three mission teams of some of the most amazing people!


One of the highlights for me this summer was to see that even when you are doing your best to bless others God turns that blessing back upon you! One of my greatest joys is to see God radically touch someone’s life as they are serving others.


_MG_7194Our last mission team from Faithbridge Church in Spring, Texas, greatly ministered to us and our entire community. They even brought new shoes for all of our children! Our children were ecstatic! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a happier group of children as they ran to their house-mothers to show off their new shoes. But as I watched the men from the Faithbridge team tearing up as they gave out the shoes and as they prayed over every child, I realized we were all blessed as much, or more, than our children. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.


Malachi 3:10,
“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in My Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “ I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put Me to the test!”



Rebekah Bullen


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Zambia


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377


or give online below.

100% of your gift will go to Rebekah in Zambia.

So Proud…

Isaac, Zavier, Castro, and WebbyI am so proud of our children!
They’ve grown so much in the last year, both physically and spiritually. Of our older boys Isaac used to be the only one that would participate in our children’s bible study but now Zavier, Webby, and Castro along with Isaac, not only participate in the Bible study, they also memorize our weekly memory verse and are excited about what they are learning every week.


Kennedy and AlickOur bible study is growing a little more every week! I am also so proud of Lizznet and Kennedy because they are doing so well in school they were able to skip sixth grade and are working very hard along with Patricia and Alick who also are in seventh grade this year, to pass their seventh grade test at the end of this school year so they can go into high school next year.


Patricia, and LizzyPatricia and Lizznet love singing in our church praise team and Lizznet is now able to lead us in a few songs. All of our children are doing really well in school and are growing in the Lord. I am so grateful every day that God has given me the privilege of being a part of these children’s lives.



Rebekah Bullen


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Zambia


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377

Give online below.

100% of your gift will go to Rebekah in Zambia.

Crisis Point

IMG_6457I have the great privilege of tutoring students from our children’s school in the village of Mashikili. The students are from fifth to seventh grade and are eager to learn English. My goal is to help these students pass their seventh grade test, which is written in English. It is sobering to realize that I stand at a crisis point in these children’s lives.


IMG_6460If the children don’t pass their test they will not be able to go to high school and they will end up dropping out of school to help their family in the fields with no hope of finding a good job. At my first class two weeks ago I had the children take an assessment test and the results were shocking! Out of the thirty children that came only five could write a basic sentence.


IMG_6458The need is so great sometimes I wonder if I can help these precious children but I know God has called me and He will make a way when there seems to be no way. Today as I stood in front of these expectant children hoping I could give them the education they so desperately need, I prayed for God to give me His strength because I know I can’t do this alone.



Rebekah Bullen


Photos of Rebekah’s work in Zambia


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

11743 Northpointe Blvd #1025

Tomball, TX 77377

Give online below.

100% of your gift will go to Rebekah in Zambia.

Home But Still Dreaming

I have been home a week and a half from the Dream Center in Los Angeles where I interned for a year and I can still see the faces of my friends and the neighborhood children in Watts that I grew to love as my own. It was very hard to say goodbye but I knew that God has clearly called me to come back to Houston and work with my family at Mission Critical International. I have known since I was six years old that I was called to be a missionary to the nations. It has always been my desire to minister in South America and Africa.

Amazingly God has given the opportunity over the last three years to work in Colombia and next spring I will be serving in Zambia, Africa as well. As hard as it was to leave the relationships of the last year in Los Angeles, I know that God has many crazy things for me to do this next year and I can’t wait to see what He does. I feel like my story has just begun.

My last Adopt-A-Block meeting in Watts as we were praying out one of my little children I was serving there asked if he could pray. As he was praying he thanked God for his friendship with me and thanked God that I was able to bring him to church every Thursday and Sunday and because of that prayer I realized what an incredible influence God had allowed me to have in the lives of these kids over the last year and I only hope that I will be able to expand my influence with the children of Colombia and Zambia this year.

It is obvious that God has placed in my heart a deep and unstoppable love for the overlooked, vulnerable, and abandoned children of the world. I intend to spend the rest of my life pursuing every opportunity to bring hope and God’s love to as many children as I possibly can. Pray for me as I begin fundraising for Zambia and as I jump into the work with my dad here at Mission Critical. God is good!!!

Love Rebekah