Purity Night


Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” This verse has been my pray the last two week. Every minute of every day I want to hid in His shelter because there is the only place I find peace and the strength to live every day. I love how the verse starts out stating what God is and then as if the writer could not hold back his praise the last part of the verse is the writer tells what God is to him. It is incredible how much peace and joy comes with knowing what Jesus is to you, not what others say He is but you know in yourself what you found Him to be in your life. Well this week we had a beautiful Purity night for the young ladies at our Adopt a Block sites but for you to get the full picture of what this night meant to the girls and the leaders I need to explain the whole story. Kaycie is our site leader for Ramona Gardens and she has built a remarkable relationship with the girls at her site. They literally spend almost as much time at the Dream Center as they do at home. Kaycie has a heart for girls to understand their worth and what real love looks like. As a way for the girls to understand that real love only comes through the love of Jesus, Kaycie started planning purity night. The girls went through a six week class in preparation for the purity night. For the last class we went to the beach with all our girls. We had so much fun playing volleyball and jumping waves in the ocean. When the sun went down we roasted hotdogs over a fire. Saturday after Adopt a Block we brought the girls back to the Dream Center and dressed them up. They had already picked out a dress they wanted to wear, so we did our nails and hair. After we were all dressed up we went and got our pictures taken. Then the girls were escorted to dinner in the chapel. During dinner we had a drama and one of the young men from the teen discipleship program rapped for the girls. After dinner we had a worship time and then Kaycie gave her testimony along with four other people the girls know well. Pastor Carolina gave a message about relationships and then we gave all the girls a bible and their purity rings. On the way home one of my girls told me that was one of the best night she has ever had and it was like being on a date with Jesus. I am so thankful God given me this time with my girls.