Project Samuel

I had lunch this week with Pastor Timothy Vowell and Scott, both of Relationships For Christ.  They are building an amazing work in Zambia, Africa called Project Samuel (click on the logo above). I was introduced to Timothy by Scott and Anita Gilbert, parents of our own missionary Chris Poole. From the moment I met Timothy, I knew that we were kindred spirits. I love their core values, one of which is working with the whole body of Christ. We at Orphan Hope International hold this very dearly as well. We believe that God has called us to cooperate with anyone who is following Christ to expand His kingdom in the world. I was so happy when Bill Byrd invited Timothy to speak to us at our annual OHI board retreat recently and he helped us in more ways than I can tell you. Anyway, due to our shared core value of working together, he has invited me to come to Zambia and see what God is doing for them there and then seek the  Lord together as to how we can help Project Samuel. In the same vein, I have invited Timothy and possibly his son Brenden to come with our team in January to Bogota, Colombia and see if God would have us partner on some projects there. One of my favorite things about being on mission with God are the marvelous people that He brings me into contact with who are also chasing Him on this glorious adventure. To God be all the glory.