Our Fellow Soldiers…

Some more fellow soldiers that I would like to tell you about today are Clay and Ashley Vaughn, missionaries to Haiti. Ashley and her family, the Boriacks, are dear friends of ours and I had the privilege of pastoring them for awhile. They are a delightful representation of a godly family. Tom and Tammy, Ashley’s parents, have encouraged and supported our family and our ministry in Colombia greatly. The Boriacks also supported and helped us bless our friends the Villalobos at Monte De Gracia with the initial funds to build their school for orphans years ago. When Ashley was a young teenager I remember her passion for missions and her passion for books. I had heard stories about Ashley meeting Clay at Frontier Camp in Crockett, Texas and how he proposed to her in the back of a truck under a tarp in the pouring rain with 20 other missionaries huddled around them but I didn’t get to meet him until their wedding and I was very impressed with this young man and very happy for Ashley and her family. Clay and Ashley and the Boriacks supported our Share the Hope dinner in December for the safe house in Bogota and I got to see a little more of Clay’s heart. He and Ashley have several things going on that I believe God will greatly expand in the years to come and I am blessed and honored to call them friends and fellow soldiers. See what all they are doing at these sites and please consider supporting them: