Our Fellow Soldier

In Paul’s greeting in Philemon 2 & 3 he says, “to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

I am blessed to know some fellow soldiers. One of them is a girl named Hannah that I pastored for several years and is like a daughter to me. She comes from a family of fellow soldiers. I remember Hannah and her brothers and their shining smiles sitting under my preaching as I would thunder out the call to “Go to the nations.” God was eating my own heart up about missions and it spilled over into many of my sermons. Sermons like “Lift up your eyes” and “Other Sheep”. I remember how I would pray that God would send some of the young people in my church to the nations.

Hannah was the quiet one who served faithfully but never out in front. She always had a baby in her arms, one of her many siblings or another baby in the church, and a smile on her face. She and her mother held a little Bible study once a week called Young Women of Purpose. My daughters loved to go. They benefitted greatly from the books studied and the God saturated conversations.

Later when Hannah was in Bible College we communicated often and it was such a joy to hear her heart and to say a “you can do it” or “God is faithful, He will take care of you.”

Today Hannah lives in an orphanage in Uganda, being the hands and feet of Jesus. She is loving and serving the children of Uganda.

I am so humbled and blessed and thrilled to call her Our Fellow Soldier.