Next Step

Well, after God dropped Mercy on our doorstep, I was feeling pretty satisfied that I had discovered the reason for the burning in my heart at the men’s retreat as Allen was speaking. I had prayed my “safe” prayer and God had answered immediately and miraculously. Furthermore, He had healed Mercy physically and was in the process of healing her spiritually and emotionally. Surely this was God’s complete plan for my being involved in orphan ministry… And then in April 2009, my dear brother in Christ, David Richardson, who had also been recruited into the orphan ministry by Allen Pate, emailed me and said, “Brother, I would love for you to consider going with us to Bogota, Colombia in June and help us love on some orphans and tell them about Jesus.” The thoughts began to run through my mind, “I’ve been out of work for 5 months.” “I don’t have time.” “I… you get the idea. So I said, “no.” But fortunately my brother David is a very persistent guy. He would send me emails like, “Brother, I really believe God wants you to go to Colombia. I’ve prayed about it and the Lord told me He wants you there.” 🙂 He was relentless. Just about the time I decided to go I landed a good paying job that was to start right about the time the trip was scheduled. I wrote to David and told him that God had closed the door on going to Colombia because I had just got a job and couldn’t go. He wrote right back and told me that he understood but that he was still going to pray that God would make a way. Well, the next morning the company I was to go to work for lost the contract and I was without the job. The hair stood up on my neck when I was informed of this and I looked up to the sky and put my hands up and said, “Ok, Lord, I am yours, do with me as you will, I will go to Colombia.” I came home and told my wife that I thought God wanted me to go. At that moment I remembered that it would be my sweet daughter Beverly’s 18 birthday the same week as the trip was scheduled and I said to my wife, “I can’t go and miss Beverly’s 18th birthday” My faithful wife smiled at me and said, “Why don’t you take her with you?” “What better way to turn 18 than in Colombia loving on orphans with her Dad?” I was stunned. My wife is the careful one in the family. I am the adventurer. I said, “what about the money?” Her reply was, “well we don’t even have the money for you to go so if we can pray down one persons trip fee we can pray down two persons fee.” And sure enough the next week the money came in for both of us to go. Beverly had never even been on an airplane, much less been out of the country, but we packed up and off we went with our dear friends David and Allen to Bogota. In the next several posts, I will share my daily journal entries from that first trip. To God be the glory…