My Strength

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Where do I find my strength? What do I do when I get that call that shakes me to my core? When i get a knock on my door at eight o’clock at night and I just can’t muster the faith to pray for someone else that is sick? How do I encourage anyone when my own faith is shaken by the worse news of my life? How do I tell a mother, “God has good plans for you.” when her child has died? How do I continue to pray when I haven’t received the answer I was looking for? Where do I find my Strength?

[quote] Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my Strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.” [/quote]
[quote] Psalm 18:32, “It is God who arms me with Strength and keeps my way secure.” [/quote]
[quote] Psalm 22:19, “But You, Lord, do not be far from me. You are my Strength; come quickly to help me.” [/quote]
[quote] Psalm 18:1, “I love You, Lord, my Strength.”[/quote]

I love the Psalms. Every time it feels like I can’t draw a full breath because of the circumstances around me, I run to the Psalms to remind myself of Whom my God is and where my strength comes from. I have to scream these verses out loud sometimes to counteract the lies of the devil or my own fears. Strength is defined as “the quality or state of being strong- the emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing or difficult.” We all know with out a doubt that in life there will be situations or events that shake you to your core and make you want to hide under your covers. When those times come where we look for our strength will define our life. Will I look to alcohol, relationships, TV, or drugs. We all need something or someone to help us deal with life. But the truth is, there is only one Person that can give us the strength we need.


So how do I run to God instead of trying to do this life on my own or turning to those other places? Let me answer with a story.


So that question I asked about the mother and her child that had died was a question actually asked of me at a Bible study under a Mango tree in Zambia, Africa. As soon as I heard her question, my heart started racing so hard my ears where ringing. I knew my answer would change her life for better or worse. The real question was, how could I believe God was good when children died and mothers had to live with arms that longed for their babies. I took a long breath and silently prayed, “Lord, You know I believe You are good because I have seen You move in my life too many times to doubt You. I also believe You are Who You say You are. Please give me the words to heal this mothers heart.” Then I answered her, “I am so sorry. I can only imagine your pain. I don’t understand why God allows children to die but I know without a doubt, He loves you and He wants to show you His love. He can heal your heart if you let Him.” That day I had no idea how God would answer my prayer and hers but I believed He would. I am overjoyed to tell you, shortly after that conversation, my friend found out she was pregnant and she knew God had given her this child as the answer to her prayer.

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From then on, every time she came to our Bible study, she would hand me her little boy to hold because he was her proof that God loved her. God doesn’t ask us to have this life all figured out but we do have to believe He is Who He says He is. He is our Strength.


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


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