My Second Week

I can’t believe it has only been two weeks since I started at the Dream Center, it feels like it should be a month! This is the first time I have been able to sit down with my computer all week. Well Sunday I road on the Buses again to pick up the families that want to go to church with us but this time I went to my now adopted site Nickerson Gardens the best site ever! The serves at Angeles Temple was amazing! They had a guest worship leader who writes his own songs and one of his songs call The Great I Am was incredible. I can’t remember his name but that song was like hearing The Revelation song for the first time but almost more touching some how. Monday a now very good friend Courtnie Stevenson moved in to my room for the week. We have had a great time together! Wednesday I moved into my permanent room on the intern floor after work but it was a nightmare because I had to wash all of my clothes. The Dream Center has a problem with bed bug, so anytime you move to a different room you have to wash all the clothes you brought with you. I thought I was not going to ever be done wash and folding laundry, but thank God I did! Lol Friday was a great day, we started out separating and bagging up all the needs as we call them for the families at the adopt a block sites and all of the fruit we also bag up. After lunch we were going to go to a retirement home to bless them and I was suppose to give a devotion but our printer was not working on Thursday and we couldn’t finish all of our work for Saturday, Sad but we are going this Friday instead. Friday night we made our weekly trip to Skid Row, Again God worked in amazing ways. One cool story was, at a corner we were talking with a woman, her niece and there friend and after talking with them for about ten minutes they asked the whole team of about ten of us to pray for them it was remarkable. Saturday we visited Nickerson Gardens, it was fun. I already feel like some of the families are my good friend. Sunday after church I went with Courtnie to the beach! Wow we had a fantastic time I posted some pictures on Facebook. Please pray for me to have the strength to not get to tired to see God working through our work. I want enjoy God’s work every day 🙂