My First Week at the Dream Center

Wow I am over whelmed with how blessed I am to just be here and work with this ministry. I am honored to be working with a group of people that are on fire for God and are passionate about helping the needy. I already feel at home and I am in the perfect place for me to do what God has called me to do. I have felt like I really need some alone time with God in the mornings, time to just get closer to Him and to let the fact of the incredible journey I am on sink in. Just to give you all a hint this is a part of what I wrote in my journal this morning. “I am in awe of what Jesus has done and is going to do for thorough me this year. Just to be able to stand and see LA’s sky line is so amazing and I am so full of thanks giving! I stay amazed by You Lord.” I am working with the Adopt a Block Family as they call it, which is one of my favorite program I read about in the book A Cause with in You. Jonathan Martinez my team leader story of how he was a gang leader and found Jesus at the dream center discipleship program is also in the book. When I meet him and found out He was my team leader I was like, wow really God how cool is this to be able to work with one of my heroes and to work at the best job ever! I have so many stories that I can’t share then all but I will give my three favorites. First is my second day here I went with my team to a family’s apartment to give them some furniture. When I walked into there apartment I was shocked to see in a one room apartment a mom and her two kids sleeping on the floor with only blankets and no pillows. They also had no furniture at all not even a chair. We gave them a dresser, a table, some chair and three mattresses. Dave one of my teammates also went to Ross and bought the family three pillows and I got the one year old little girl a teddy bear. J Friday night my team and about 15 people went to Skid Row to give out food and blankets to the homeless. It was heartbreaking to see so many people, it was like literally one after another seeping on the sidewalks in tents and in wheelchairs and just on blankets. Lastly to day I went on my first Adopt a Block it was amazing to see how many people really love to team that visit’s the same site ever week. We even were able to go to a little girls birthday party and jump in the jumper with all the kid. Just to see how two people that would have not even spoken to each other because it is not socially expectable to be best friends is just God. Well I hope to write every week I can’t sooner because of the internet and I am working almost every day.