Mission Moroto Stories – Paul Maruk

I am Paul Maruk. Our family is blessed with three children. I am second born.


As I grew I began making charcoal for the survival of the family. Later, I joined Archer Primary School for the first half of the first term. I went back to be a boy shepherd herding animals for one year.


Then I went back to the village and spent my time just looking for something to eat because life was very difficult. After that I went back to school my mother died and life was again very difficult.


Then Pastor Noah helped us and built us a semi-permanent house for us to live in. Then Noah brought me to his home in town. Then I stayed in town with Pastor Noah for one year and then he brought me to Mission Moroto in 2016.


At Mission Moroto I was helped as one of the boys being helped there and I joined school and am continuing my studies.


Thank you, Maruk Paul