Mission Moroto Stories – Joseph Longoli

I am Longoli Joseph. Before I came to Mission Moroto I was a boy shepherd. Our family had 4 children of which I am third born. The fourth born after me died of disease.


One day the raiders came to our corral and stole our animals. They also shot down our mother and we buried her.


Our grandfather took the 3 of us to the bush and in the bush we started trapping wild animals for survival.


When I grew to the age of 9 years my uncle came and took me to his home to take care of his baby. I stayed there 2 years and then was chased from the home by my uncle’s wife because of my uncle’s beatings.


Then my married sister took care of me. One day my father visited us and told me to go to Pastor Noah and Simon for help. I came and they asked me my name and when I told them they said that their head boy is also called Longoli Joseph. That was 2015.


First, I want to thank all the Mission Moroto members for what they are doing for it is not their will but God’s will. I want to thank all the Mission Moroto members very very much for what you have done for my life. Thank you for all the teaching and for the gospel. May God bless you as you continue ahead. Amen.


Love Longoli Joseph