Introducing Oscar Useche


Hey, I’m Oscar and I’ve been working with Mission Critical for a year and a half and I have to say it is one of the best experiences I’ve had in my entire life.


DSC_0201 I met Matthew (our founder and CEO) at a church I was invited to to be his interpreter and that was January last year (2013); we know God planned this and we’ve been working together ever since, first was just translation and then I got more and more responsibilities but I’m happy to do it because we do it for the love, we do it for the Lord and we do it for the children.


IMG_5632 My job (translator) usually had me away from the action and Mission Critical gives me the opportunity to be to be where the action takes place, meeting brave men and women that are giving everything they have to reach those in need, to be arms and hands that reach in the name of Jesus. being able to combine what i do in this ministry with my regular job (also a ministry, Compassion International) is one of the biggest blessings in my entire life because I am able to bless children and adults first hand but every time i leave one of the institutions, i am the one who as blessed the most.


IMG_0022 God is at work here in Colombia and I know you don’t want to miss it so stay tuned for the next mission trip or how you can help to reach the least of these.