Home for Christmas!


Wow I can’t believe that it has been so long since I have written my blog! Christmas is such a hectic time of the year and especially so for me because I went home for two week but let me start at the beginning of my craziness. So it all started with the Joy of Christmas musical at the church, it was wonderful. All of the cast member were people from the dream center and after ever show we gave a free toy away to all of the kids that came. My job for the play was to ride the buses to and from our sites to help with watching the kids and to make sure everyone got back on the bus before we went back to the site. We had a total of seven show and form my site alone we had on Saturday night seventy people! It was a mad home of trying to get everyone back on the buses and making sure we didn’t leave anyone. But I was blessed to be able to lead the kids through the line to get their present. I almost cried every time. Well right at the end of the Joy of Christmas which went form Wednesday night to Sunday night, we had our yearly Miracle offering at the church that Sunday morning. So every year in December the church has a time where you give to God a offering you know you can’t give but you give anyway in faith because you know He will bless your faithfulness to Him. It was incredible! Instead of passing a bucket around the pastor lad a white sheet on the stage and had everyone come up to the front and lay their offerings on the alter like it says the Israelites did at the dedication of the temple. We had kids from the Movement giving their coats, purses and expenses shoes. What a great way to start the new year renewing your trust in the Lord and not in your bank account. We also had an offering after every Joy of Christmas show for the new family floor we wanted to open before Christmas because the family floor we already have is full and we still have at lest twelve families on a waiting list. On Monday morning when we counted the offering we received for the Miracle offering and the Joy of Christmas, the cash alone was forty thousand dollars. It took me and my team four hours to count it all and there was six of us counting! We were able to open the family floor three days before Christmas! God is so good! Well right in the middle of all that I found out that the lady who was site leader for my site Nickerson Gardens in the Watts was not going to be able to be site leader anymore so Jonathan wanted me to be site leader. I am exited but all so little nerves because this is a big responsibility, but I believe God has  call me to this for a reason. Well if that was not enough me and my roommate got bedbug the Tuesday right before the Joy of Christmas started. Bedbugs are horrid because to get rid of them you have to spray your room and wash or dry all of you cloths, and when they spray your room it leaves a nasty film on everything so you have to clean you entire room. I also had to dry my bag I was taking home and all the cloths I was taking again to keep any of the bedbug from going home with me because if one bedbug is in my bag it will spread to my entire family. But we finally got rid of them the week before I left. So that is all before I went home! I went home a week before Christmas and boy did my sister Brooke have a lot in store for me! We had made a list of all of the things we wanted to do together when I was home. So we jumped right in it starting with going to itz. I put some funny pictures of us at itz on face book.
 I literally think I had one night at home the whole two week I was there. We went ice stating, rollerblading, and watched the new Sherlock Homes movie. I also went shopping for like three days strait with my mom and my sisters. It was so much fun being at home and having your family fight over who gets to hang out with you next. Saturday was my twenty-three birthday and I spent it with my brother and my niece at the state park walking by the lake and just hanging out. God is so good to me I don’t deserver His grace.