Hannah Weber Week 5 at Mission Moroto



I started out this past week with some hiking and rock scavenging! On Monday I went stone hunting and found some very pretty stones that I cleaned up once I got back to the house. Good thing I brought an extra toothbrush!!! Then on Tuesday I headed out to do the same thing but ended up climbing a mountain here all by myself! There is a smaller mountain that’s base is less than a mile walk from the front gate. Only on the way back down did I realize maybe I should have taken someone with me but when I got back Rebekah assured me that it was safe! Plus, I didn’t see a single living thing up there except some wild chickens and insects. I plan on going on many more hikes, especially with the older children!


On Wednesday Rebekah left around 2 pm with Veronica and Jon to Kampala. Joseph and I have been working together with the medicine and food counts each day. It’s so much easier doing it with someone instead of all alone! Although, sometimes it causes more confusion if there’s a lack of communication. Rebekah needs to stay longer in Kampala to meet with some people so she will be back Sunday or Monday. Friday morning Veronica and Jon get back early in the morning after taking the night bus from Kampala to here.


All of the older boys from boarding school are getting back on my birthday, which is a cool and interesting gift. The days are passing even quicker now and it’s kind of scary haha but I’m taking it all in! Crazy to think that my younger sister Selah is turning 18 soon! November 20th everyone, crazy. I’ve always been there for her birthday and we’ve always celebrated together, which was easy because her birthday is 5 days before mine. Although, we’ve talked about doing something when I get back in December so it’s not that bad!! Wishing you the best birthday Selah!!! I love you so much!


During the last weekend I was feeling pretty terrible and having some stomach issues along with not being able to sleep at night. I felt like I had a fever and would sweat like crazy during the night. Rebekah gave me some antibacterial medicine and it cleared up just fine! No more nausea and fatigue either!! I’m so glad medicine and treatments are a thing! I mean, think about it, life would be a nightmare without modern medicine. People would be dying from things as common as the cold. But then again it makes me think about people who get sick and it’s like medicine isn’t even a thing since they can’t afford it. It’s awful. Maybe that’s part of why I want to go into the medical field…I’m not sure but I just know that there’s always a way to help people and why not do what you can. (On Thursday I was sick again, I’m taking the antibacterial medicine. Please pray for my health.)


So, let’s discuss the driving here, not car driving but on a piket (motorcycle). I’m just gonna say there are 3 types of drivers I’ve experienced from the orphanage here. There’s Markson, who drives slow both on the bad roads and the good roads. It feels like it takes absolutely forever to get anywhere haha. Then there’s Joseph, slow on the bad roads and fast on the good roads. He’s the driver Rebekah trusts the most so I mean how can you go wrong. But my favorite driver, haha, is Mileton (Milletent). He drives crazy fast everywhere and you experience this adrenaline rush every time you’re on the bike! It’s all crazy scary but also super fun! I mean, until you crash, hahaha! Oh and let me mention cars real quickly. Cars get the right of way, the bigger you are the more superiority you have on the road. While on a piket you can avoid most bumps but in a car…well let’s just say you’re in a hunk of metal and it sounds like an earthquake at times! (Gonna take a little break to add a cute side note. I just smiled at Peska [kk] and she hadn’t seen me, she looked and got so surprised that she laughed and snot flew out of her nose!! Haha, her laugh is so cute!) And despite what it sounds like, I’m finding it really hard to decide which I would rather choose to take for a trip. I mean, on a piket the wind and dust is the worst part but if I’m going long distance, I would choose a car for sure. Hmmm, yeah, there’s just no way I can pick which is better. I’ll really have to think more about this.


Little prayer request, on Monday some health inspection people are coming. Can everyone pray that it goes well? Oh, and little Nakudi has been super upset with everything lately and crying all the time. If everyone could pray that she’s filled with lots of joy? Thank you!


Tuesday night, what a night haha. Well, my body decided to get super sick and I mean like throwing up, sweating, aching all over type of thing. It was awful and I only ended up sleeping for 2 hours!!! Pretty sure it was food poisoning or a stomach bug or something. Anyway, I’m well on my way to the mend and I’m feeling much better! Can’t go to a foreign country without getting sick at least a few times am I right? More importantly, I found chocolate milk! It’s not really real milk since the product lasts a year but it still tastes so much better than water or tea! It costs 4k shillings for a medium container and 2k for a smaller container. Just saying, that’s pretty pricey here, you could buy 8 chapati with that. But. If you’re wondering 4k in Ugandan shillings is barely over a US dollar. So haha, totally worth my money 🙂


You know, I have zero idea how people can wear winter coats here. I mean it starts to heat up right when the sun is barely visible and only starts to cool off around 6 pm. Extreme UV 100% of the time and somehow they’re wearing a thick poofy winter coat. It’s crazy. Well, I guess they’re used to the weather so it makes more sense. There are only two seasons here and the rainy season has been skipped this year. The rainy season was also cut short last year and the crops were lost this year and last year, that’s why there is a famine. Anyway, I was just thinking of it due to a decent number of kids wearing coats and sweatshirts this morning.


Oh, oh, oh!!! Today is fridayyyyyyy! Which means it’s movie night! So before Rebekah left she showed me and Joseph how to use the speaker and projector and I love watching the movies with the kids, even though they’re never quiet haha. I mean, in my house my family has a no talking rule during movies and there’s just no way that could happen here! Tonight I picked Kung Fu Panda! I’m thinking that the kids will especially like this movie because of the cartoon comedy. I was having a hard time choosing between Kung Fu Panda and The Emperor’s New Groove but then I thought that Kung Fu Panda might be easier to understand since it has less long talking scenes and is all around funny.


Before I forget, ministry outreach update. So since Rebekah won’t be back from Kampala until Sunday or Monday we postponed the outreach until the first Saturday of December. I could have gone alone but I felt it would be better to go with Rebekah.


Thank you all for the prayers! I appreciate you all so much!


Much love and blessings,


Hannah Weber