God At Work I

caution-god-at-work1I haven’t written in a while because the Lord has me so busy feeding His sheep in multiple ways and multiple arenas and I am thrilled about that. When I stop and think about all the ministry that is taking place around me and through me I am deeply humbled and grateful to God for this mission that I am pursuing Him on.


I was thinking recently about motives, why we do the things we do. I was thinking about why I run as hard as I do. What is my overriding motive. If I were to be completely vulnerable and honest, what is it that really drives me to live the way I do. So I boiled it all down and if I am completely transparent I would have to say that I am addicted to the joy of seeing God at work in the lives of people. If I’m totally honest, I have been on a 30 year quest, a 30 year investigation to find God’s fingerprints and to catch Him in the act of transforming lives, families, and nations. That is me at my rawest level. I want to be there when God does something. I don’t want to miss out. I want to see Him at work. That is the driving motivation of my life. That is my great joy.


One of the first passages of scripture that I memorized as a young teenager was Psalm 63 and it remains my favorite chapter in the Bible to this day. It starts out, “Oh God, thou art my God. Early will I seek thee. My soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longs for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is, to see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee in the sanctuary…”


I memorized that passage way back then because that was and is today the cry of my heart, to see His power and His glory. It is a hunger that though often filled as I have seen Him do amazing things for over the last 30 years will never be satisfied (at least in this life) and grows stronger with the indulging. It is a heavenly addiction that I never want to break. I am addicted to the joy of seeing God be Who He is and do what He, and only He, can do… transform.


In the following blogs I will be chronicling some of the ways that God is at work around me and through me for His praise and glory alone. Stay tuned.

Matt Bullen