First Outreach


Saturday was our first outreach with the children. We all had a blast! I couldn’t believe almost forty kids came! Before the Bible study we played some games with the kids. We tried to teach the kids how to play freeze tag but they would play for a few minute and just stop. We also taught them how to play red rover and they really liked it. After the games we sat all the children down and Pastor Tendai taught on Christ’s death and resurrection, the kids where amazing attentive and they answered all of the questions with incredible accuracy. For an activity I gave all of the kids a necklace in which all of the beads represents a different aspect of salvation. Pastor Tendai explained what every bead meant and then the kids were able to bead their own necklace. Right before we dismissed the children we taught them a memory verse that went along with the Bible message. I can’t wait to see how many children come next Saturday.
