Fifth Trip June, 2010 Day 2

In our team devotion this morning before leaving for the orphanage we talked about the fact that Jesus not only “saw” but He felt deeply. In over twenty instances the gospel writers give us a peak into the heart of Jesus and how He felt in different circumstances and so I encouraged the team to remember when they feel the pain, loneliness, sadness, joy, and love of the orphans around them that it is the heart of Jesus that they are feeling and to let down the walls and embrace the emotions as Jesus did.

We returned to Ciudad De La Nina today and were greeted by old friends and new friends that we met yesterday. The sun was out so there were many outdoor games and activities going on throughout the day. It was such a joy to see the team members who were on their first trip here surrounded by children laughing and playing and talking away. Love is a universal language for sure. We had so much fun sitting around visiting and listening to each girls story. Some were quite heartbreaking and it was wonderful to comfort them and encourage them to trust in God for their future.

Lunch time came and we brought out four hundred hamburgers with french fries to give the kids a treat. It was so fun seeing them dig into their food. The happy chatter around the tables was more than thanks enough.

After lunch, Kylie Novak and the other teens on our team broke out the craft making supplies and the girls crowded around to make beaded and string bracelets. One sweet girl named Jenny brought me a bracelet she had made and as she tied it on my wrist she firmly told me never to take it off 🙂 I now have six bracelets that a Colombian orphan girl has placed on my arm with the same firm instruction. Two of them I haven’t removed in almost a year. Every time I come back they come up to me and pull up my sleeve to see if I still have the bracelet on my arm. They are a constant reminder that Jesus has other lambs that are not of this fold and He must bring them also so that they will be one fold with one Shepherd and He has told me that if I love Him I will feed His lambs.