Colombia Preaching Tour Day 1

DSC_0113Today was the first day of a 4 day conference with our dear friends at Mision Berakah in Bogota. This church has been fasting and praying for God’s power to fall on this conference and He showed up in a mighty way today. I knew it was going to be an amazing day because I didn’t sleep at all last night which is very rare for me. The Holy Spirit kept bringing things to mind that I should pray for and songs kept running through my head so I prayed and listened to worship music until it was time to get up this morning. I am very tired now but sustained!


DSC_0193We have already enjoyed some amazing fellowship. Pastor Henry preached in the morning service and we were able to pray with many who came to re-commit to faithfulness in their walk with Jesus. Brooke has already informed me that she is staying and I’m going home alone 🙂 I was blessed to preach in the evening on The Passion For Jesus. Many were weeping as we prayed over and loved on them after. God is moving mightily and lives will be transformed as a result of this conference. I couldn’t be more excited or blessed to be here. I preach again in the morning so goodnight and God bless you!
