Colombia Fall 2014 Day 8


This morning we were blessed to preach at a wonderful church in the city. Juan David was able to come and Pastor Miguelito is one of the sweetest men I have ever met. It was such a joy and privilege to be with this precious church. We will be having lunch with Pastor Miguelito on Thursday to talk about future ministry ideas together. Praise the Lord!


IMG_6979Three of the members of Oscar’s band lead the worship there and it was one of the most moving and powerful worship experiences I have ever had in Colombia. The music and the passion were amazing! I was so filled and blessed. Near the end of the song service they started playing the first few chords of the song Miracle Maker which is one of my favorite songs and I was thinking, “Oh no you are not playing that right now!” My sermon this morning was Recipe for a Miracle… Ha ha. I had never heard the song in Spanish and it was marvelous.


DSC_0198Oscar and I preached our hearts out and God blessed it with many responding to the Spirit. There are too many stories to tell them all but one especially blesses me. There was a man sitting in front of our daughter Heidy who when I gave the invitation for prayer fell to his knees at his seat and was crying out to the Lord. Heidy felt compassion for him and went and knelt and prayed with him. He was so moved and so thankful that after he couldn’t quit smiling. She brought him to me so I could meet him and his face was radiant. I know the Lord touched him and touched Heidy too.


IMG_6989We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon hanging out with our Colombian kids and the team. We have had the most wonderful trip so far and there is still much to come. Praise God! We love you all.