Colombia Fall 2014 Day 5

After our devotion and prayer time this morning we set out for a Christian home for pregnant or nursing teen girls, some as young as 12. Most are orphans. Most were raped or victims of incest. We didn’t take photos because many of the girls are under witness protection or are being sought by their abusers. In their words there are 163 “lives” in this home counting mothers, unborn babies, and babies and toddlers. If it wasn’t for this ministry these girls would be on the street.


Almost immediately upon entering we saw two girls that we have tried to help over the years and are very dear to our family, Luisa & Hasbleidy. Huge smiles broke across their faces and we hugged and laughed so happy to see each other again. Luisa has a 2 year old boy and Hasbleidy has a 2 year old boy and a baby girl.


I have been to this place before and had heard stories of the founder but was thrilled to finally meet her in person. She told us her story. She was a pastor’s daughter who rebelled against the faith and she and her husband lived in the drug scene. Over and over they would try to break free but would always fall back into that lifestyle. Finally one day they agreed they had to get out and so they went to her father’s church. Of course he had been praying and aching for years for them to come to Christ and when they walked through the front door of the church he broke down and wept and wept. She wept telling us about it all these years later. They threw themselves into the church the same with the same passion they had gone after evil. Soon her husband was in seminary and they were reaching out to the drug world they had come from. They started with 2 people sleeping in their living room and then 10 then 30 then 80 and they kept moving to larger places as God provided. Today they minister to thousands and this home is one of their many programs. Her husband died 11 years ago and she has continued and drastically expanded the work. God’s work in her life is so inspiring.


We spent several hours there sharing, singing, witnessing one on one, watching presentations, and just enjoying the girls and their babies and the staff. It was a very blessed time. Many deep conversations about Jesus and his love and forgiveness took place. Hasbleidy, who has been very close to our daughter Rebekah for years asked me to tell Rebekah how much she loves her and she thanked me that we keep coming and keep working to help all the children.


At one point the girls performed an amazing drama for us about forgiveness. It was stunning and there wasn’t a dry eye. They put this drama on once a year and we “happened” to be here today. Our friend Luisa, who has been to our home in Texas some years ago when we were trying to find a family to adopt her, was the main actor in the play and at the end when the cast came to take their bow, Luisa was smiling brightly and looking right at me in the crowd. With tears running down my cheeks I chuckled out loud in the direction of heaven. Yes Lord, you can bring friends from another continent on just the right day to see a little orphan girl’s annual performance and cheer her on. Yes you can. That’s Who You are.


We were very touched and blessed to be here today. We saw and heard things that will mark our souls for life and strengthen our resolve to give our lives to helping the least of these.