Colombia Fall 2014 Day 1


Last night and today were times of blessed introductions and blessed reunions, introductions as Lisa and Beverly met Brooke’s beau Oscar and Ginary’s beau Sebastian for the first time and we really enjoyed our new friend Stephanie from Peru. What a kindred spirit she is. We told stories and laughed and cried and prayed and teased all day. And a day of blessed reunions in that Lisa, Beverly, Brooke, Heidy, Ginary, and Juan David were together for the first time in four years! Also we returned to the first church I ever preached at in Colombia and saw many old friends whom we love.


DSC_0163We had a marvelous time of celebration in the presence of the Holy Spirit and it was obvious that God was moving all day long. What a tremendous blessing to get to follow Jesus on His mission among the nations. I love our life. Oscar and I preached on The Price of Impact Ministry and listed 3 things that it requires, 1. Courage 2. Endurance 3. Vision. God really used it to touch hearts for which we are very grateful! Our friend Nic Arnold blessed me with his summation of his first day of his first ever mission trip and also shocked me with his photography skills. You’re hired Nic! 😉


DSC_0216We then had a wonderful lunch with our hosts and then a restful “family” afternoon at the hotel. I a totally blessed at how sweet and near the Lord was all day. This is going to be another anointed and amazing trip! Praise Jesus! Tomorrow we head up to Altus De Cazuca, one of the poorest places in Bogota to love on and minister to some street kids. Thank you for your prayers and support! Fruit is being advanced to your account in heaven.
