“Go into all the world
and preach the gospel to everyone.”
Mark 16:15

We just want to give our praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Since He showed up and began a revival beginning December 2022, we have been blessed to baptize about 1200 new believers and planted over 18 village churches. 🔥
Praise the Lord our God. Here is our current list of new churches by village name and the name of the new pastors God has raised up!🔥 As of June 2024 we have Jesus and Porridge (preschool program where we give each child a cup of maize porridge and Bible story as well as teaching them to read) in all of our village churches. Praise the Lord!

1. Mission Moroto – Rebekah Bullen
2. ⁠Akwapowa – Longoli Joseph
3. ⁠Kamugishu – Rupa Center – Morukakero – Napedo – Anyait Grace
7. ⁠Nakiloro – Lokwang Bosco
8. ⁠Lomuria – Loduk George
9. ⁠Lokaal- Kodet Hannah
10. ⁠Nagule Angolol – Amaese Benard
11. ⁠Pupu – Lomareu – Kisop – Kerisa Paul Micky
14. Atedeoi – Ilukol Angel Gabriel
15. ⁠Lokitelakapeth – Moses Onyapidi
16. ⁠Nanyidik – All Pastors
17. Kakingol – Teko Gabriel Meleton
18. Omotuk – Simon
19. Loolung – Betty