Category Colombia September 2014

Introducing Oscar Useche


Hey, I’m Oscar and I’ve been working with Mission Critical for a year and a half and I have to say it is one of the best experiences I’ve had in my entire life.


DSC_0201 I met Matthew (our founder and CEO) at a church I was invited to to be his interpreter and that was January last year (2013); we know God planned this and we’ve been working together ever since, first was just translation and then I got more and more responsibilities but I’m happy to do it because we do it for the love, we do it for the Lord and we do it for the children.


IMG_5632 My job (translator) usually had me away from the action and Mission Critical gives me the opportunity to be to be where the action takes place, meeting brave men and women that are giving everything they have to reach those in need, to be arms and hands that reach in the name of Jesus. being able to combine what i do in this ministry with my regular job (also a ministry, Compassion International) is one of the biggest blessings in my entire life because I am able to bless children and adults first hand but every time i leave one of the institutions, i am the one who as blessed the most.


IMG_0022 God is at work here in Colombia and I know you don’t want to miss it so stay tuned for the next mission trip or how you can help to reach the least of these.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 8


This morning we were blessed to preach at a wonderful church in the city. Juan David was able to come and Pastor Miguelito is one of the sweetest men I have ever met. It was such a joy and privilege to be with this precious church. We will be having lunch with Pastor Miguelito on Thursday to talk about future ministry ideas together. Praise the Lord!


IMG_6979Three of the members of Oscar’s band lead the worship there and it was one of the most moving and powerful worship experiences I have ever had in Colombia. The music and the passion were amazing! I was so filled and blessed. Near the end of the song service they started playing the first few chords of the song Miracle Maker which is one of my favorite songs and I was thinking, “Oh no you are not playing that right now!” My sermon this morning was Recipe for a Miracle… Ha ha. I had never heard the song in Spanish and it was marvelous.


DSC_0198Oscar and I preached our hearts out and God blessed it with many responding to the Spirit. There are too many stories to tell them all but one especially blesses me. There was a man sitting in front of our daughter Heidy who when I gave the invitation for prayer fell to his knees at his seat and was crying out to the Lord. Heidy felt compassion for him and went and knelt and prayed with him. He was so moved and so thankful that after he couldn’t quit smiling. She brought him to me so I could meet him and his face was radiant. I know the Lord touched him and touched Heidy too.


IMG_6989We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon hanging out with our Colombian kids and the team. We have had the most wonderful trip so far and there is still much to come. Praise God! We love you all.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 7


This morning we had the amazing privilege of participating the the first baptism service for a new church. Two new converts, Nihima and Anita, came to be baptized. We had a worship service and Pastor Hector brought a stirring message about the meaning of baptism and then it was time. How wonderful to see the joy and excitement in the faces of these precious daughters of God as they came in obedience to the command of their Lord to publicly announce that they have chosen to follow Jesus into death and into new life. After the baptism service we had a wonderful lunch and a long nap. Then we shared dinner and rested and enjoyed our free time. Another new experience in this beautiful country that has gripped our hearts so strongly.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 6


This morning we visited our dear friends at Mision Berakah and their school, Fundacion Emaus. We enjoyed an amazing presentation about the history of Colombia by the children of Emaus. Cute doesn’t quite get there when describing these precious children and amazing doesn’t quite describe the amount of work the staff and volunteers went to put this on. It was spectacular.


IMG_6922After the presentation we enjoyed a meal and some quality time with our friend Pastor Henry Castillo. They have been going through some tough persecution and we were able to encourage him and be encouraged by him. Their church building holds about 150 people but they have 1000 people on Sunday mornings so they meet in the park and put up fiesta tents and preach in the park. Their enemies have been bringing the police down on them week after week even though they went through all the proper channels and had the proper permits. Every Sunday for 2 months Pastor Henry has been preaching in the park under the pressure of possible arrest. Another exciting thing is that Pastor Henry recently returned from an incredible ministry trip to Cuba and has invited me to go with him on the next trip!


IMG_6925After lunch we visited the fledgling foundation of a friend of Oscar’s called Fundacion Busqueda y Rescate (Search & Rescue Foundation). Oscar’s friend also named Oscar, his wife and his mother started this ministry to help street children 4 years ago and it grew to 100 children. They were meeting in a church building but then the church sold the building and they were left with no place to meet so they had to find a place they could afford. They all work regular jobs and do the ministry in between. They rented a little shack in an alley and started papering the board walls and painting and they just started back with being able to have children there. From the outside it was unimaginable that 25 children could really be inside learning about Jesus but there certainly were and I was so moved to see their sweet faces and realize that these were precious souls. Oscar and his mom continued explaining and apologizing for the little shack and it was obvious that they have been literally working night and day to get it ready. I told Oscar that I was so impressed and inspired and that they had nothing to apologize for. I told him they were carving souls out of the rock and it was awesome. He broke down weeping and I held him in my arms and prayed over him until he recovered. What a precious little family and ministry. He briefly told me a tiny bit of his story of how he had been a Satanist, drug thug, and part of a vampire cult in Bogota for 10 years before God miraculously saved him and that is why he has such a passion to reach these children for Jesus before they get old enough to follow that life. We had an amazing and blessed time with them. We sang and colored and gave them gifts. It was so blessed and powerful. We will be locking arms with this precious ministry.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 5

After our devotion and prayer time this morning we set out for a Christian home for pregnant or nursing teen girls, some as young as 12. Most are orphans. Most were raped or victims of incest. We didn’t take photos because many of the girls are under witness protection or are being sought by their abusers. In their words there are 163 “lives” in this home counting mothers, unborn babies, and babies and toddlers. If it wasn’t for this ministry these girls would be on the street.


Almost immediately upon entering we saw two girls that we have tried to help over the years and are very dear to our family, Luisa & Hasbleidy. Huge smiles broke across their faces and we hugged and laughed so happy to see each other again. Luisa has a 2 year old boy and Hasbleidy has a 2 year old boy and a baby girl.


I have been to this place before and had heard stories of the founder but was thrilled to finally meet her in person. She told us her story. She was a pastor’s daughter who rebelled against the faith and she and her husband lived in the drug scene. Over and over they would try to break free but would always fall back into that lifestyle. Finally one day they agreed they had to get out and so they went to her father’s church. Of course he had been praying and aching for years for them to come to Christ and when they walked through the front door of the church he broke down and wept and wept. She wept telling us about it all these years later. They threw themselves into the church the same with the same passion they had gone after evil. Soon her husband was in seminary and they were reaching out to the drug world they had come from. They started with 2 people sleeping in their living room and then 10 then 30 then 80 and they kept moving to larger places as God provided. Today they minister to thousands and this home is one of their many programs. Her husband died 11 years ago and she has continued and drastically expanded the work. God’s work in her life is so inspiring.


We spent several hours there sharing, singing, witnessing one on one, watching presentations, and just enjoying the girls and their babies and the staff. It was a very blessed time. Many deep conversations about Jesus and his love and forgiveness took place. Hasbleidy, who has been very close to our daughter Rebekah for years asked me to tell Rebekah how much she loves her and she thanked me that we keep coming and keep working to help all the children.


At one point the girls performed an amazing drama for us about forgiveness. It was stunning and there wasn’t a dry eye. They put this drama on once a year and we “happened” to be here today. Our friend Luisa, who has been to our home in Texas some years ago when we were trying to find a family to adopt her, was the main actor in the play and at the end when the cast came to take their bow, Luisa was smiling brightly and looking right at me in the crowd. With tears running down my cheeks I chuckled out loud in the direction of heaven. Yes Lord, you can bring friends from another continent on just the right day to see a little orphan girl’s annual performance and cheer her on. Yes you can. That’s Who You are.


We were very touched and blessed to be here today. We saw and heard things that will mark our souls for life and strengthen our resolve to give our lives to helping the least of these.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 4

Our precious sister Stephanie from Trinity Angels in Peru brought our devotion today and it was stunning. I had asked her to share her story of how she came to be in Peru doing the miraculous work that she is doing there. She did indeed share her story and there wasn’t a dry eye among us. Thank you Stephanie for your heart. What a blessing to have her with us on this trip.


Today was a rest day for the team. We hung out, played games, made friendship bracelets, teased, laughed, and ate, ate, ate 🙂


Tomorrow we visit a home for pregnant or nursing teen girls, some as young as 12. Most are orphans. Most were raped or victims of incest. God loves these girls with a furious love and we will feel His Spirit very powerfully there tomorrow as well as the darkness that attempts to invade the place. Please be in prayer for our team as we love on and share the hope that is in Jesus with these precious girls. There will be no photos taken or shared at this place tomorrow because many of the girls are under witness protection or are being sought by their abusers.


Thank you so much for your prayers and support that allows us to be here and do what we do.


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 3


Today we visited our old friends at Colombia Chiquita. It was great to renew friendships and see and hear what God has done and is doing. We heard a few of the heartbreaking stories of the children that are being ministered to and discipled here. It made me glad that they have a place like this to go. One girl was badly burned by the rebels and when she, her brother, and her mother tried to escape on the river the rebels shot the bottom out of their boat. This girl and her brother survived but their mother drowned. When she first came to the orphanage 4 years ago she didn’t speak or eat for 4 months. Today she is grown up and works with the children herself. It was wonderful to hug her neck and see the joy in her face and know that Jesus has transformed her heart and life.


IMG_6758As predicted, it was precious to see the children’s faces light up when Lisa pulled two brand new soccer balls out of the bag. They squealed and ran to her trying to grab them out of her hands. There is a park across the street from the orphanage with a soccer field and so while lunch was cooking we took the kids there and played soccer and frisbee for several hours. This was a very special for these children. Heidy, Lisa, Stephanie, Liliana and I took turns watching the oh so sweet babies. It was a glorious morning. Another exciting development here is that my friend Esperanza who founded and runs this orphanage has invited me in the spring to come and preach in Baranquilla in 5 churches and on the radio and television for her pastor friends there. More opportunities to encourage the work of God in Colombia. Praise the Lord.


IMG_6801After a wonderful lunch we broke out the coloring books and crayons and candy and balloons and played and played. It’s hard to believe these beautiful children are abandoned and that tragedy has struck their lives. They are so loving and friendly and excited for the little bit of love that we can give them. I have been pretty sick on the trip so far and today was the worst but as I lay back on the couch one after another these precious children came over and showed me their drawing or told me a funny story or climbed in my lap and laid their head on my chest. Just a little love and a few very inexpensive gifts has made their week. I never tire of this and never will. Tomorrow we have a rest day and then on to more adventures. Thank you so much for the prayers. Lives are being changed and more than just the children’s and we know that you are holding the ropes for us.








Colombia Fall 2014 Day 2


We had a wonderful devotion and prayer time this morning after breakfast and then headed out to Soacha. We stopped and saw the wonderful progress that is happening at the Christian International Center in Soacha. They are building board by board and brick by brick a church, TV station, skate park, and school in the heart of the slum totally on faith. It is breathtakingly inspiring each time we come to see what God has done with Pastor Jordan and his team in this barrio.


10602802_10154572325835235_1522339688_nWe climbed and climbed up the mountain (at one point the van couldn’t make it with all of us so we got out and walked) and finally reach Altus de Cazuca. This neighborhood started from squatters fleeing the civil war. It is a collection of ramshackle buildings, huts, etc. They only have running water for one hour per week and so must collect all the water they will need for that week in that hour. 10 years ago a lady and her husband started a hot lunch kitchen to try and help the street children of Cazuca. Today she is known all over the mountain as Granny (Abuelita) and she feeds a hot lunch to 70 children a day. For most of these children this is the only hot meal they get each day. We arrived just before lunch and soon the place was swarming with activity. After letting them eat we broke out the coloring books, crayons, frisbees, and a couple of soccer balls and the fun was on. It never ceases to amaze me how love tears down all barriers. Despite the language and cultural barriers soon everyone was laughing and talking and hugging and snapping “muchas fotos”


10617279_10154572387515235_1795431153_nWe played and talked and loved for hours with these precious kids. They were so excited about us being there and asked us hundreds of questions. One little girl named Valentina probably 5 years old stole my heart immediately. She is the daughter of a teenage mom and it was obvious to me that she has no dad. She was climbing up the rocks and jumping off and I complimented her on her bravery. She smiled and giggled and ran down the rocks and jumped into my arms. I swung her around with a whoop and it was on! We played that game again and again until I couldn’t stand up anymore and we sat down and got her interested in coloring. Nic was the star of the frisbee time in the trail that passes for a street. It was so cute to hear all the little boys yelling Nicolas! Nicolas! And when the frisbee went on the roof the Bullen girls came through with circus style acrobatics to get it down! Later the ladies broke out the string and Brooke taught everyone how to make manillas (friendship bracelets) and the weaving, twisting, tying, and cutting was on. How precious these little lambs are. The places where they live we wouldn’t store our firewood in but God knows each of them and loves them with a furious love. There were tears and hugs and kisses when we had to say goodbye but we will be back and we will love on them again. Over dinner we shared what God is doing in us and our vision for the future. God is AWESOME!


Colombia Fall 2014 Day 1


Last night and today were times of blessed introductions and blessed reunions, introductions as Lisa and Beverly met Brooke’s beau Oscar and Ginary’s beau Sebastian for the first time and we really enjoyed our new friend Stephanie from Peru. What a kindred spirit she is. We told stories and laughed and cried and prayed and teased all day. And a day of blessed reunions in that Lisa, Beverly, Brooke, Heidy, Ginary, and Juan David were together for the first time in four years! Also we returned to the first church I ever preached at in Colombia and saw many old friends whom we love.


DSC_0163We had a marvelous time of celebration in the presence of the Holy Spirit and it was obvious that God was moving all day long. What a tremendous blessing to get to follow Jesus on His mission among the nations. I love our life. Oscar and I preached on The Price of Impact Ministry and listed 3 things that it requires, 1. Courage 2. Endurance 3. Vision. God really used it to touch hearts for which we are very grateful! Our friend Nic Arnold blessed me with his summation of his first day of his first ever mission trip and also shocked me with his photography skills. You’re hired Nic! 😉


DSC_0216We then had a wonderful lunch with our hosts and then a restful “family” afternoon at the hotel. I a totally blessed at how sweet and near the Lord was all day. This is going to be another anointed and amazing trip! Praise Jesus! Tomorrow we head up to Altus De Cazuca, one of the poorest places in Bogota to love on and minister to some street kids. Thank you for your prayers and support! Fruit is being advanced to your account in heaven.
