Spent the whole day teaching kids at a new foundation I have been volunteering at… They are all way behind in school so they come there everyday after school to learn the basics and get help with homework… Was so awesome… One boy is about 12 and has never studied in school.. He recommended the foundation to his mom for his nephew and cousin but would not come himself because he was embarrassed cause he doesn’t know anything about school and works with some relatives recycling all the plastic out of the huuuuge trash yard right next to where the foundation is.
Anyway… He was standing on a huge pile of trash (that reached to our second story window) and curiously watched us today for a long time… We talked to him and smiled at him and finally invited him to com inside… You should have seen his face when he started playing with the other kids… So precious and happy… Hopefully he will start attending and we can give him lessons.
There are about 30 kids and only three of us to work with them haha so its been rough but so fulfilling.