Aflame For God 23 – Mercy’s House

“A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.” ― Dante


Read the beginning of the series HERE


I started putting out prayer requests to let our prayer warriors know that I was going to Liberia in October. My friend Bruce Marshall called and said, “Mercy is going with you right?” I said, “Well brother, her passport is long expired and we have issues with her citizenship status and we don’t have time or money to get it all sorted out.” He said, “Matt! She has to go! Hire an immigration lawyer or whatever you have to do. I will pay for it. I will pay for her trip. She has to go!” I gulped and said, “Yes sir, I will get to work on it. Long story short, many crazy miracles came together for this trip. We had to fly her to Washington D.C. to get a Liberian passport. There were so many complications. Finally we found out that Mercy’s blood father’s brother went to law school with the deputy ambassador of Liberia. He heard about our situation. Walked into the embassy and said, “Just add a new page to her old 2007 Liberian passport and I will sign it.” And they did. By pure miracle we boarded the plane on October 8, 2015 which “just happened to be” her 21st birthday and we flew to Monrovia, Liberia! But the miracles were only beginning.


As we were preparing to go, Mercy reconnected with her blood sister, Olive through Facebook, and let her know that we were coming to Monrovia. We arrived in Monrovia and drove to a gas station out in the bush where Mercy’s blood family was to meet us. I will never forget the next few moments. Their SUV pulled into the parking lot and Mercy’s biological father, full blood sister, and two half-sisters piled out all smiles. We embraced with tears in all of our eyes. They kept hugging me saying, “Thank you for saving Mercy!” “Thank you for saving Mercy!” Then Mercy’s sister Olive came up and hugged me with tears in her eyes and said, “My American Daddy!” I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. What a beautiful night. But still more miracles were to come!


Later that week, we had a family reunion at Olive’s house and dozens of Mercy’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and other family members came but the most amazing thing was that her grandmother whom she lived with when she was a tiny girl came. Up until that day her grandmother had believed Mercy’s was dead. For years family told her that Mercy had “gone to America” to get well but her grandmother just knew that this was euphemistic for “she went to heaven.” When they met and embraced that night the angels in heaven must have been dancing and shouting. It was an amazing night. We ate and ate wonderful Liberian dishes and laughed and told many stories. The most memorable thing for me was toward the end of the night when the family had Mercy and me stand and they all lined up and came forward crying to hug me, thank me, and present me with gifts. Then they “gowned me” with the garb of a village chief and declared me an Honorable Paramount Chief of Kalabeh Chiefdom. But even more miracles were coming…


I knew that day in June 2015 when Pastor Martin V. Paye Sr. called me and asked me to preach a crusade and do pastor and youth seminars in Liberia that it was a message from the Lord but I couldn’t have known how thrilling each and every service would be. What a joy to stand on that stage night after night and see the people flood from the surrounding villages and neighborhoods to hear the gospel and then to see the altar packed each night as hundreds came to trust in Jesus. Each day we would visit a different school and share Jesus with the children, hold pastor seminars and youth seminars. The Spirit moved in power and I was overjoyed to be a part. Thank you Lord!


When Rebekah and I were in Rwanda in January we felt led along with our brother Ndagijimana to start a school and call it Mercy’s House in honor of our precious daughter Mercy. Now in Liberia I shared this thought with Pastor Paye and he was all in. God had already supplied $10,000 to buy the land in Rwanda for Mercy’s House and now Pastor Paye told me about some land in Monrovia that would be perfect for a Mercy’s House. As I held little orphaned Liberian children in my arms as they came to hug on me every day, I knew we had to do this! We finished our trip and went back home praying that God would allow us to open a school in our daughter’s home town named after her. Quickly after arriving home we went to Colombia for another wonderful mission trip and then shortly after God provided the money for the land in Monrovia. Mercy’s House was on the move to become a reality. Praise God! CHARGE HARD INDEED!