Where Can God Move?

Bekah in Colombia

Where can God move? When can God touch someones life? Can God meet someone in every day life? Does He only work in planned places or planned times or can God radically change a person on a busy street corner? I know for a fact that He breaks through any boundary and interrupts our lives to let us know how much He loves us.


Brooke and I have enjoyed the most amazing opportunity this last week to team up with a group of missionaries from I Am Second to evangelize on the streets with local churches here in Bogota. This was the first time I had ever done this kind of street evangelism and to be perfectly honest I was a little skeptical of their plan. I didn’t doubt God could move but I didn’t think He would. But I am over joyed to say I was as wrong as I could be!


image3 Our plan was to help new church plants by evangelizing in neighborhoods near the new church. We went out in groups of three or four with one or two missionaries from the States with a translator and a member of the church into some of the hardest neighborhoods here in Bogota. We took evange-cubes with us and just stopped people on the streets or in stores to ask them if we could tell them a story about our lives. I know what you’re thinking… “did anyone listen?” well, to my surprise, most people said “yes!” It’s wonderful how you can’t do or say anything wrong when God is on your side and He has prepared the ground for you!


I would like to share about just two of the many people I was able to see God reveal Himself to this week.


Steven and his son Pablo were sitting at a bus stop waiting for the bus to take Pablo to school. Tom my team member and I were just talking about how we didn’t like talking to people at the bus stops because you usually weren’t able finish the story before they had to leave but our Colombian partners wanted to talk to Steven and his son so like good American missionaries we went along. As Tom was sharing his testimony I could see that Steven was really into the story and he even started to tear up. Then when we asked if they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior Steven was almost jumping up and down with excitement. Just how God works, Pablo’s bus came right after we finished praying! But even after Pablo left Steven wanted to talk with us more about God and His people, the church. God taught me through Steven that I am still putting Him in a box even after all I know and have seen Him do. But praise Him! He’s not content to let me stay there! I want to know Jesus more and more! To see Him do things I never believed possible.


image1 Ok I know I am rambling but I also want to tell you about Marco. As Tom and I were walking down an ally one of the days we were out, we said, “Hola” to a young man who then to our surprise replied in English “Hi, are you for the United States?” This started an hour conversation with Marco, a young man who learned almost perfect English from playing english video games. Crazy right?! Marco told us he believed in God because he had prayed as a little boy for God to get him out of a bad situation and place he was in and then how God had answered him by allowing him to go to college. Marco still is not sure about Christianity but he said he believed God had sent us to talk to him and he wants to learn more about God. I am going to try to stay in contact with Marco.


image2So I learned this last week to stay open to God leading even when I don’t see how He is working because I never know who the next Steven or Marco will be. God works in ways beyond our imaginations and all He asks is for us to follow His lead!


Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Like many missionaries, Rebekah has no source of income other than love gifts from back home.


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