The Mouth’s Of Infants

photo-2Last week at our children’s Bible study I asked if any of the children wanted to get up and sing a song before we closed, to my surprise Judith, Susan and Silvia volunteered. They are usually shy but they stood up in front of all the kids and sang song after song. At one point I was almost in tears as they sang, “I will shout it out from every roof top for your goodness knows no bound.” Because of Judith, Susan and Silvia’s example the older children asked me if they could sing “In Christ Alone” at this weeks Bible study.


photo-1To hear praises to your Lord sang with such innocent faith inspirers me to worship my Savior with that same innocent passion. I love worshiping at the church here, even though I don’t understand the language just hearing our children worship their Father God with everything they have, there is nothing like it. I was sitting with our children this Sunday when at the end of the worship service our pastor had a time for everyone to pray together aloud, as I was praying I heard the voice of Isaac praying his little heart out. It reminded me of the verse in Psalm 8:1-2, “O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength because of Your adversaries.” I know I am here at Project Samuel to teach the children and show them the love of God but most days I believe they teach me more then I am teaching them. I can see the love of Jesus in the eyes of little Samuels we are raising up and I pray they can see His love in my eyes as well.
