Rebekah’s First Blog From Africa

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Wow! I can’t believe I am able to write you from Project Samuel in Zambia, Africa. God is so amazing! I can’t thank you enough for your prayers and support. Project Samuel is an orphanage in the bush of Zambia, Africa. Instead of the kids living in one big house with limited supervision, here the children live in smaller houses with house Moms. Only eight children live in a house with their house Mom. At this time we have eleven children here at Project Samuel. I will be spending six months teaching English to the children here at Project Samuel. I will also be leading a Vacation Bible School on Saturday afternoons with all the kids in the villages around Project Samuel. Today for the March for Missions we walked with all the children to one of the villages. I walked hand in hand with Judith and Dorothy, two of the sweetest girls you could imagine. We sang songs and laughed all the way to the village. After we got back, I sat in on a Bible study the kids have every Saturday with Pastor Tendai. He has been teaching on prayer. I loved hearing the kids recite the Lords Prayer in English. Then we had our traditional Saturday movie with the kids. I know God has called me here and I can’t wait to see what He is going to do through me.

Love Rebekah Bullen