Jesus is My Daddy
In my last blog I was meditating on the image of Christ as my bridegroom. “My lover is mine, and I am His” Song of Solomon 2:16.
Another of my beloved images of Jesus is that He is my Father. Romans 8:15, “So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, “Abba, Father.”
For me to understand what it means to have a father –daughter relationship with my sweet Jesus, I look at my own relationship with my earthly father. I have a beautiful relationship with my earthly father, full of love and trust. I know I can come to him if I have a problem or need advice. I love laying my head on his chest and crying to my heart’s content when life has not gone my way. One of my greatest desires is for my dad to be proud of me.
Now I know for many of you reading this, you don’t have a great or even good relationship with your earthly father. In fact you have a bad relationship with him or you don’t know whom your dad is. You might say to me, “yeah, it is easy for you to see Jesus as your Father, but what about me?” Well think about who you wanted your father to be. Every one of us has an image, a dream of what you need in a father.
When I started to see and expect from Jesus what I need in my father I found He is so much more than I could ever imagine. I can trust in Him completely, I can come to Him with my deepest and darkest fears with out Him being disappointed in me. I never have to worry about my Heavenly Father being too busy to have time for my problems or cares.
My favorite time with my earthly father is when we are sitting on the couch and I am able to lay my head on His chest. During my prayer and worship times in order to cultivate my Father/Daughter relationship with my heavenly Father, I have started picturing myself sitting by Jesus in heaven, sometimes just sitting enjoying His presence and sometimes pouring my heart out to Him. When my heart is broken I sit on His lap and bury my face in His chest and give Him all my pain. When I need forgiveness I sit at His feet and beg for Him to forgive me. When I am thankful I see myself running around His throne, praising His name.
Last night at church, during our worship service, as I was lifting my hands in worship, an image came to me that portrays this so beautifully. I have always enjoyed lifting my hands in worship but never quite understood why I enjoyed it. Yesterday I spent all day with my nine-month-old nephew who is the happiest when He is being held. If I lay him on the floor and sit on the couch, he will crawl over to the couch and work his way up to a standing position and lift his hands to me, so I will pick him up. As I was standing in the service with my hands lifted, I could see myself just like that, wanting nothing more than to be picked up by my Daddy. Is that not what worship is all about? To sit on our heavenly Father’s lap and be happy just to be with Him.
Anna king
I wanted to thank you for this blog..I had just said I don’t know what a parent is really like what a father does or a mother does but that what I know isn’t what I know…because once your emoinyes see who you are you know this is for you and your chosen and noone can prepare you for him..there is no way to tell someone how it feels to be devastated in constant remorse always in fear but not afraid just in the loop and now what can you do. Know one knows you anymore before I didn’t talk I never said I say to much but only about what’s in my heart and on my mind. It’s more then that though I see all the things I couldn’t I was protected..I could only feel them now I see them and I know who they no preparation for something like this.. do you know a place where i could find those who kmow me so I can get home..I’m late and I’m not sure what to do with all these words…I can’t find the ones before can’t all be here now and their descendents are all here but they don’t know me nor themselves…I have turned everywhere here it’s no mystery about the girl who is afraid to say who she is because of lies or teachings or just you don’t have the truth…so can you tell me where I can go please…I have to much about too much I can’t keep it nor can I keep giving it to the dead..and I’m just makeing the others angry…it’s makeing me go back to what keeps killing me..but I’m awake and I need someone who believes but is open to the one whose like them but is a little different..I need a man who knows the prophets because I can’t fulfill mine if I don’t know where to go.. Anna King