Holy Hunger


The one prayer that I find myself praying more than any other is, “Lord, make me hungry for You.” The one prayer I pray for my family and especially over my children more than any other is, “Lord, give my children such a hunger for You that nothing in this world will be able to fill it.” “Lord, let them and let me not be satisfied with anything short of all that you have for us in You. I have discipled them, I have taught them Your word, but unless you create a hunger in them so great that it overshadows all the things this world throws at them they will not be all that they can be for You.”

Ministry, marriage, family, career, etc. must always be gushing out of the overflow of our personal passion for and relationship with Jesus or it will soon bury us and cease to transform lives, ours or theirs. David’s prayer in Psalm 63 never gets old for me. I could pray it 10 times a day and still choke up when he says things like, “my soul thirsts for You and my soul pursues hard after You.” Soul hunger is the ignition of mission and the resulting passion and enjoyment of God when He answers is the fuel. And so I pray for hunger!