Jesus Is Worth It!

Thinking back on the nine months I have spent at the Dream Center I can’t believe how much I have learned and how much closer of a relationship I now have with Jesus. I can’t wait to start a new chapter of life but I am also sad to close this chapter of preparation. I know I will miss the many hours of quiet reflection and searching for the Father’s heart. I know this time at the Dream Center is a gift and I am determined not to waste my last three months. In September when I go home I want to know I used every moment to grow closer and closer to my beloved Jesus and I used every opportunity to lead others to Him. My desire is to get to the point of no return in my relationship with Jesus. To get to the point in which I know that no matter what happens me, I will never go back to my old self or drift away from God because I now know that nothing in this world can compare with an hour in the presence of my Beloved and true happiness only comes from time spent with Jesus. “In your presence there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures evermore.” Psalm 16:11 Is the cry of my heart. How can you look of joy in earthly thing when you know with your whole heart that there is fullness of joy in His presence? Why would you look to drugs or relationship after relationship when you know that at His right hand are pleasures evermore? The Bible is not a list of rules to please God and keep you from having fun but it is the key to ultimate joy. Jesus is not keeping you from a good time but giving you the satisfaction your heart need so desperately. The worship serves is not just something we do before the pastor preaches but a way to enter the presence of our Lover. In the Bible Jesus is referred to as our Father, Bridegroom, Friend, Savior and Lord. Most of the time we only see Him as our Lord and Savior but as a Father and Best Friend He is so much more personal. Jesus has to be worth giving up everything this world can offer and even worth facing suffering and death or else He is not worth your life. I can say with confidence JESUS IS WORTH IT. I will live the rest of my life showing others that Jesus is worth their life and their all. Jesus is not just fire insurance but a Pearl of great price that is worth everything you have and more. To say the lest this time at the Dream Center has given me a greater passion to live every moment and give everything I have for Jesus because I know with all my heart He is WORTH it.