My Fifteenth Week At the Dream Center!


It is impossible to realizes or even think about all of the conveniences you give up when to come to the Dream Center until you  leave for a week or two. All this week I have had to almost relearn how to live at the Dream Center. It’s not all bad because it actually is like a crash course in what it would be like to be a missionary. I believe to really make any difference in someone or somewhere you have to be willing to give up your want for a normal life and some times you have to be willing to give up everything important to you. I always see it as I could never give as much as Jesus did for me but I want to see how close I can get. God has really showed me this week how much I still hold onto that is more important to me then the people He sent me to minister to. I want so much to reach this world for Christ and to show them how life doesn’t need to be lived like they think it have to be but to do that I have give up the life style I have gotten accustomed to. Even having a Bible is a luxury here! I am so ashamed at how much money I have wasted over the years but I trust Jesus’ plan for the rest for my life. On Saturday I was so blessed to spend the day with a great family I have recently met. I am so blessed to be the site leader for Nickerson! One more story I have to tell is every Sunday I have four teenage girls from my site sit with me through the service and every week one girl named Andy asks me if she can look at my Bible. She will sit through the whole service looking at and writing down on a pad different verses. So I really wanted to get her a Bible but I didn’t know how, well I was organizing my room and I found a Bible I thought I left at home. So this Sunday when she asked to see my Bible I gave her one and said you can keep this one I got it for you. She was so exited! The other girl all asked me to get them one to, so I am praying for three Bibles I can give them. God is so good to me! He gave me the perfected job ever! On Sunday after church we went hiking in Glendale mountains again in a park called Eaten park. We had a great time and had a amazing Bible study as well.