My fifth week :)

Well home sickness kicked in this week but I am really hoping to go home for Christmas. No madder how much fun you have or how many friends you have nothing can replace just sitting on your couch watching a movie with you family. Ok Monday I at our after school program I joined the guitar class. My friend Mindy is the teacher and I have wanted to learn to play for a long time and she said she would teach me! I am so excited! So Tuesday we started our long week of canvassing for Pastor Barnet’s awesome illustrated sermon this Sunday. Tuesday night George Lukas had invited about two hundred people from the dream center to his first viewing of his new movie Red Tails. I was able to go and it was as much fun! We sat in a very comfortable theater and the movie was really good too. Wednesday was the Dream Center’s big annual fundraiser. I didn’t work at the fundraiser but it was fun watching them set up everything. Thursday we spent all day in the office until it was time to ride the busses for church. I love how much time I get to spend with the kids at my site, with Saturday adopt a block and Sunday riding with them on the busses and then again on Thursday. Friday we canvassed again for the illustrated sermon on Sunday but after we were done we still had some time left so Dave decided to take us down to the mall. On the way to the mall we still had some fliers left so my crazy friend and coworker Dustin started throwing the fliers out the car window at cars passing by. I thought I was going to die from laughing so hard! Friday night when we were at Skid Row a fight started out with two homeless people so we had to leave a little earlier then usually do. After adopt a block on Saturday I went down to a costume store to see if I could get a real cheep costume because my friends James and Jesse wanted me to go with them on Monday to trick or treat in Beverly Hills. So I found this great cap and vampire like makeup for really cheep I was so happy. Sunday Jesse, James, and I dressed up in costumes for the bus ride to church with the kids from my site. I was so much fun how at first the kid would not even go to the back of the bus were Jesse was (he looked like scarecrow on Batman Begins) but the longer we were on the bus they started seeing who was brave enough too get close and closer to him. The illustrated sermon was amazing, Pastor Barnet had four rooms on stage that represented four different stages of our lives. The first was our childhood and the second was the compromises we make in our lives because of the things that haunt us from our childhood. The third was the death room and he explained how a lot of us because of our compromises we live as if we were dead but still alive, the living dead. But the final room was the shower room or the room of renewal when God come and revise our hearts. He even had real shower on stage that anyone could come and get in after the service who wanted to as like the alter call. Monday was my first day off since I came here it was nice I went on a long walk and went to the library. Monday night I went with James and Jesse trick or treating in Beverly Hills it was the first time James and I had ever trick or treated. We had to take the bus but that was fun because I had never taken a public bus in my life. We ended up not getting very much candy because we got there kind of late but we had so much fun just dressing up and seeing all the people in Beverly Hills.