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1Kings 5:17 Then the king commanded, and they quarried great stones, costly stones, to lay the foundation of the house.
These core values are the bedrock foundation upon which our ministry is built. They define who we are and how we guide and manage our ministry.
Pursue God – Our ministry must always spring from the overflow of our own intimacy with God.
Pattern After Christ – Our ministry must always look like Jesus’s ministry.
Power Hungry – Our ministry must depend on and seek the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please God Above All – Radical obedience to the will of God as revealed in the pages of scripture.
Preserve Integrity – Our ministry must be about purity and integrity without question.
Passion For Souls – Our ministry must always be about reaching the lost and transforming lives.
Persistent Prayer – Bold prayers and total dependence on God must characterize our ministry.
Prioritize People – Our ministry must always place people above resources, organizations, and systems.
Protect The Helpless – Our ministry must always defend those who can’t defend themselves.
Produce Leaders – Our ministry must always be looking for and building leaders for the kingdom.
Prize Partnerships – Our ministry must be committed to working with the whole body of Christ.
Proper Approach to Finances – We must depend completely on God for finances and be generous.
Promote Joy – Our ministry must promote the pursuit of joy in God rather than simply dutiful service.