The Angola Miracle

My dear friend, Grove Norwood with Heart of Texas Foundation, is one of my heroes in the faith. His story of love and grace has been portrayed in a movie and that lead him to become involved in prison ministry. We met through Tres Dias and over the years have cheered each other on in our respective ministries. He has been after me for a year to come with him to visit Louisiana State Penitentiary otherwise known as Angola and see the amazing things God is doing there.

I knew that Grove had been going to Angola to learn what they did and duplicate it here in Texas starting with a seminary in Darrington Prison. This is an incredible undertaking with the potential to change the Texas prison system, the state, and the world. I am so excited to be an onlooker.

So I finally was able to go with Grove last week and it is truly an amazing God story… Angola is the largest maximum security prison in the U.S. It’s land area is larger than Manhattan Island, NYC. There are 5300 inmates. All are serving life sentences. Every other man is a murderer. Once notorious as the bloodiest prison in America with 40 murders in one year, 17 years ago Warden Burl Cain started a Bible College inside the prison and today there is no violence. It’s a prison full of preachers… They send out “missionaries” to other prisons in Louisiana. When they sent the first missionaries out, the new prison’s violence dropped by 1/2 in 6 months. Wednesday – Friday I was able to tour the prison with Warden Cain, Grove Norwood, and others from The Heart of Texas. What a faith builder! The gospel truly is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16)

Warden Cain and the Heart of Texas team.

An amazing and totally unexpected thing happened that made me think that God may have had me on this trip for more than one reason. There are over 400 inmate led worship services here in Angola every month. In one of them on Thursday I met Miguel “the chin” Velez (aka Cumbamba), Medellin Drug Cartel founder Pablo Escobar’s Colombian hit man who spent 23 years in solitary confinement here at Angola. He is now a passionate follower of Jesus and he was thrilled to hear about our ministry in Bogota and gave me some contacts there of old associates who were at Angola and are now serving God back in Colombia. Miguel and Gary, the chaplain, asked me to look them up when I’m back in Colombia. I told Miguel I would and let him know how they are doing. Amazing.

You never know where God will take you when you sell out to Him. I just want to be with you on mission Lord. Take me with You.