Colombia, October, 2011 Day 2

Colombia, October, 2011 Day 1


This morning we went to Santa Maria where we have been many times. It never gets old seeing those beautiful girls running to greet us with their big smiles and warm hugs.

My Goddaughter, Heidy, ran screaming when she saw me and leaped into my arms. Words can’t describe how good it was to hold her in my arms once again. She looked really good and I was so happy at how good they are taking care of her here. Pastor Lucas and his wife Dorayne are the spiritual leaders at this institution and dear friends of ours. They have taken Heidy under their wing and I could see the positive transformation that has taken place in her heart as a result. It was delightful to spend a few short hours with her. We toured the buildings that when I first came here had resembled an abandoned prison and I was so full of awe and joy to see what Jose Vicente and Un Mundo Nuevo have done here in a year and a half. God is really moving in their foundation and we are blessed to be partnering with them. We saw the amazing art that they have been creating and Heidy presented me with a beautiful piece she made. She said in English, “For your house Daddy.” Rachel was able to deliver two large suitcases full of gift bags that the children at Vista Academy at Celebration Church in the Woodlands had sorted and packed. There was lip gloss, hair bows, socks, a bookmark, and many more things in each bag.


We sat down for a while and a cute little girl named Sol (sun) came running up and jumped in my lap and hugged me so tight. She was precious. I had a great time talking to her and teasing her and Heidy because they are both shy about getting their photo taken. Soon it was time to go but not before we gathered in a large circle over a plot of ground where they hope to someday build a chapel where the girls can come for prayer or silent reflection. Pastor Don Waybright prayed a wonderful prayer over the ground and the future blessing it would be to the children and then we sang Here I Am To Worship in English (the girls favorite song because we always sing it to them when we come). It was a beautiful time.

We then headed into town for a meeting at Jose Vicente’s office. We have heard about and discussed several times what the large vision is for Orphan Hope and Mundo Nuevo and at this meeting we wanted Jose Vicente to share his whole heart and vision. It was an awesome time. We talked about his current operations and then he cast for us his larger vision for the city of Bogota and how we can help. It was fantastic. He genuinely has Christ’s heart for these children and for the city of Bogota and Colombia. The master plan includes the orphanages, churches, schools, OHI missionaries and volunteers, and all the facets of our ministry play into it. What a delight to see such a kindred spirit with what God has called us to do. There are huge things in store for this partnership. Tomorrow is another packed day so I am signing off with much love and joy in my heart and immeasurable gratitude that the Father has allowed me to come with Him on this grand adventure.