Texas Vacation Host Program: Day 1

After 4-1/2 months of paperwork, a special trip to Bogota, hundreds of emails and phone calls, trainings and orientations, and many prayers, our 16 little Colombian orphans arrived this morning at IAH at 6:00 a.m. There was an expectant and excited group of host families and ministry partners there to greet them with signs and balloons and all kinds of neat things. The local television news media was there to film all of the hoopla and interview several families and ministry personnel. When the children finally came through the doors a great shout arose. There were many hugs and kisses and gigantic smiles. I was so glad to see some of my little friends from Amparo De Ninas in Bogota. Yuly, Nicoll, Luisa, Paola, and others that I have grown very fond of on previous trips came running up to hug me. It always delights my heart to be in the presence of The Good Shepherd’s little lambs. If you are interested in meeting them while they are here go to www.OrphanHopeIntl.org/events to see what is happening and how to get involved. Below is the Houston Channel 11 news video. My daughter Beverly is holding the Orphan Hope sign.

After many photos, much conversation, and some more interviews we headed out to the local International House of Pancakes for breakfast. We had called ahead earlier in the week but they were still a little overwhelmed when 65 of us walked in. But we all jumped in to help and breakfast went wonderfully. As I looked around the room of smiling faces and saw conversations, laughter, translators at work, and so on, I turned to Bill and Shoby and said, “At this moment, the endless hours of work and the $45,000.00 price tag seem like nothing compared to the reward.” They heartily agreed. The impact on the lives of these children and families in the future and on into eternity and the national and global ramifications of that impact is incalculable. As C.H. Spurgeon once said,

“Ah! dear friend, you little know the possibilities which are in you. You may but speak a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian church in years to come.”

After breakfast we went our separate ways and I was blessed to catch a nap in my lounge chair before heading over to one of the host homes for an interview with the Houston Chronicle. The photographer was there when I arrived and he was catching some wonderful shots of the family and their 3 children and their 3 host children finishing up their lunch. Soon the reporter arrived and I was interviewed and then my daughter, Rebekah, who was with me and I went to play with the kids while the mom and dad were interviewed. Rebekah went to play with Marian, one of the Colombian girls and I got to play with Omar, her brother. Omar is 6 and he had a nerf dart gun in each hand and an ample supply of nerf darts. It wasn’t long before I was playing the monster and he was shooting the fire out of me with nerf darts. We had a wonderful time. It took me back 20 years to playing “army” with my two boys. I’m glad I wear glasses now though because Omar knows that the best way to kill the monster is to shoot him in the eye! We had a blast. Meanwhile Rebekah and the mom and Marian were playing Jenga and they built up a big tower of blocks. I was once again amazed at how beautiful and how sweet these children are. It amazes me that no one wants them. I wish I could take them all but I am satisfied for now to get to be around as God continues to work through us here at Orphan Hope International to “Transform the lives of orphans and those ministering to them through Christ centered… Vacation Host Programs.

“Permit the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus (my hero)