Our Fellow Soldier…

I recently shared about our fellow soldier, Hannah, who is serving in Uganda. I would also like to share about another fellow soldier, Miriam, who has a wonderful ministry to orphans in Matamoros, Mexico. I was privileged to meet Miriam and her family several years ago and they have been a blessing to me ever since. We have helped them with a few projects and I hope very much that in the future we can help them more. We are so blessed to be able to know and share with such wonderful saints of God. Their ministry is called Monte De Gracia (Mountain Of Grace). Here is an update that I received from Miriam today. Enjoy.

Dear Pastor Bullen and family,

Received many greetings and hugs with much love for each one of you. God bless you in this beautiful evening, May the Lord surround you with His infinite love and grace today and always to you and your family. We had a hard time replying before because both work and doing all that we had pending for the past few weeks, we now are happy to sit down to write and share what God is doing and how His work is being fulfilled each day, as well as sharing this to support each other in prayer for the trials and tribulations we’ve been and lived. Always thanking the support you have given with much love to our ministry, and for which we are infinitely grateful to God for the provision He gives us through you and that helps to enlarge His kingdom here on earth. We pray every day that the Lord will multiply and provide always for you and that He continues blessing you.

Well, these last weeks have been really hard and tough, we are still going through, we are in the process of change and asking God be with us through what we are going.

Beginning February insecurity began again to take over the city, every night the army trucks are patrolling the city, where drug traffickers are arming the war and not only patrol the main streets but neighborhoods where families live and rest, because that is where the evil is hiding. As yet the war continues between the 2 gangs who are fighting to have the power over the city are throwing grenades into schools, homes and public places. A week and half ago they threw a grenade at the mayor’s office when the governor visited the city. Again threw another grenade into a pedestrian zone, and a final one a block to where I work, but thank God this time, was at midnight. They use these techniques to distract the army so they can make moves in other places. The President of Mexico sent 4 battalions to Tamaulipas for the purpose of increasing security, our confidence and security is not in them, but in our Almighty Father and Protector.

For security, it has been very difficult to move the children to their home each day, for that reason they spend almost all week with us at home, imagine! A large family of about 35 people living in our house, your house, is very hard and a big test of flexibility. Since the school still does not have the services to be used as a home, our home is being shared with all of them, we have schedules, organized devotional time in the evening and spend time with the little ones who need it most. The girls help in the preparation of food and the boys help in the cleanup. It’s been a big change for our family and we have full responsibility and care for them, we keep the same schedule of school, only when it is time to finish school, just give a few steps to get home. We are happy to give them the love and warmth that a family can give, but it really has been a challenge, now that my mother is weak and ill again, she needs a complete rest and had to suspend working days, and for this reason she has a lower salary, which you know this is our biggest income for expenses. In the evenings before I go to work, I organize the girls and we all together have a time for baking cakes and cookies and selling them to our friends, some times neighbors, so this way we have a tiny income to pay for household expenses. The little ones do activities such as crafts with my dad because my dad has a big talent with the arts, teaching to the children what he knows. When I return home I get to make dinner and the girls help me, we had to start cooking simple and cheap food because of the large quantities and the costs it generates. I never thought this would happen but we are trying to adapt to this new change, which believe me has not been easy. It’s hard work, pressure and stress, but encourages us to know the good that it makes to the lives of our children, because more than shelter and food, we are showing the love they have never received ever! Genuine and true love from God sent to them through our lives. Pray for this change that we’re still adjusting, and the needs that this implies, strength and power from on High.

Our neighbors did a reunion and we were called to it, the enemy wants to crush the work that the Lord has sent us to do! They do not want us to be here with so many children, they say that it is not allowed in this neighborhood to have a home for kids, we’d better go looking for a place, the place exists but it has not been able to adapt as a building with all the services required. Some ask what we do, others are interested while others are indifferent, others asked how they could help. We know that victory is great for the opposition that is being presented and that keeps us strong in faith but we know that God is in complete control and care of all of us. As I write this I have 5 little girls around me looking as I write so fast! Each of them says, tell them about me, they are beautiful girls and princesses of God.

Looking for ways to give a bit of what God gives us, we looked for a place where we could go and share the Word of God and some clothes and toys, which at the moment we have some to share, we have enough that will help others, our needs are others, we thank what God gives us, because it can also help people who need it more than us. So we went to the Pumarejo General Hospital, hospital that care the poorest and most humble people of Matamoros, a group of girls, my mom and I planned to go a week ago to visit the nursery and its staff, patients and parents that are there, can’t imagine the joy and happiness it brings to our lives! We had the opportunity to visit and testify to families and young single mothers in the area of premature babies, this also was a big lesson for the girls to keep their bodies for the young man that God has for them to get to marriage.

As you can see the focus of ministry is changing completely! This transition has been a challenge but we are so satisfied with what God is doing. All this involves much prayer, vigils, costs and much order and responsibility. Please be with us in prayer and support, since every day there are many expenses by faith we stand, contributions and gifts are a blessing now that are so necessary, because it will make us grow and prosper in this great work God has called to our lives!

Would be great to be in constant communication to share with you what God is doing every day, so you might as well share what God is doing in your lives and the way He is using you to enlarge His Kingdom.

We love you greatly and pray that the hand of God protect, keep and prosper all you do, that every day is full of love, peace and mercy for your lives and family.

With great expectation of what God will continue doing, I better go, the girls send a huge hug, greetings and best wishes from our hearts to wherever you are.

Hoping you have a wonderful and quiet night, hoping we also have a pretty night,

With much love and gratitude in our hearts,

Miriam Villalobos

Valeria, Oliva, Paty, Yulissa and Jacqueline.

Monte de Gracia Ministry

Matamoros, Mexico