Miracles of 6th Trip to Bogota, September, 2010

First, let me say that this trip was dedicated solely to meeting with different parts of the Colombian government to establish official relationships with them and Orphan Hope International and our Colombian partners Fundacion Tayakai.

Much preliminary work went into making this trip possible. I want to give a personal thanks to our entire team who worked very hard and sacrificed greatly to make this trip a reality.

We arrived Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 9:00 pm and were greeted by Sandra, Antonio, and Chris Dinkler who was already in country on business. We arrived at the hotel, spent some time in prayer where we asked God to be our vanguard and to go before us and prepare the way. Then we bedded down, ready for a big day the next day at ICBF, the department for family welfare for Colombia.

The next day, Thursday, September 16, 2010 we arrived at the national headquarters of ICBF around 8:00 am all decked out in our suits and ties and the ladies in business attire. I know that we were all praying hard as we walked into the building. Our party included Orphan Hope board of directors David Richardson, Chris Dinkler, Bill Byrd and his wife Sandy, Shoby John and myself. Also included were Antonio and Sandra of Fundacion Tayakai, Alexandra Vanegas, Orphan Hope Assistant Secretary and Translator, and Nep Reyes, Orphan Hope Advisory Council Member and Translator. Our first meeting was with the adoption leg of ICBF and the Assistant Director of Adoptions led the meeting. She and her team introduced us to the inner workings of ICBF. This presentation lasted about 2 hours and was very informative and helpful. We had prepared a 30 minute powerpoint presentation of our ministry and had also brought bound printed copies of the presentation because we were not sure if we would be allowed to present and we wanted to have a leave behind for them. As God began to open doors and open the hearts of the officials we were meeting with the opportunity arose to give our full presentation and we did so. We shared about our vision for mission trips, padrino plan, adoption awareness and someday adoption agency, safe houses, and English program. We also were able to share that it was the love of Jesus Christ that filled us and overflowed out of us for the children, people, and nation of Colombia. At the end of the presentation the Assistant Director of Adoptions for the whole nation of Colombia said, “Well, I want to say that I love it. I am very impressed and I think your vision is the same as our vision. We welcome your ministry.” We couldn’t have been more excited and relieved to hear that. We broke for lunch praising God for His help and blessing.

When we returned from lunch another segment of ICBF began to present their inner workings. Suddenly an official stepped into the room and said that the General Director, the highest ranking person in ICBF wanted to meet with us. Word had already reached her about who we were and what we were doing. We all trooped upstairs to the executive conference room and there we met the Director of Protection who oversees all of the orphanages in Colombia and then in walked the General Director and we all sat down. Just as the meeting was getting started in walks Marley one of the Goddaughters who we have been on many trips with and soon to be adopted by our dear friends and Orphan Hope Advisory Council members Curt and Tonya Currie. As it turns out Marley and the General Director are friends. So the General Director turns to Marley and says tell me about these people and Marley starts to cry and says, “They have the love of God and when they come to the orphanages they bring this love and they have changed my life.” Wow! What a way to start the meeting. Then for the next several minutes we each get to tell our story and how we became involved and we were briefly able to present our ministry. When it came around to Bill and Sandy Byrd, they began to cry as they told about what God did and is doing in their hearts and nearly everyone in the room had tears in their eyes. It was a wonderful meeting. The General Director asked us if we were a Christian ministry and we said yes and then she further asked us if we were an Evangelical Christian ministry and we said yes. When we were all done answering her questions and presenting the ministry she smiled and said, “We are very excited about all that you are doing and want to do in Colombia.” “I have three points that I want done in reference to this ministry.” “1. I want you to work with my office at the national level on all of your programs. 2. I want to send a delegation from ICBF to Texas to meet with all of you and see your community and find out about you. 3. I want us to draw up a legal 3-way agreement between Orphan Hope, Fundacion Tayakai, and ICBF to clarify how we are going to work together to make your vision a reality.” She also told us that she would communicate with her counterpart in the U.S., Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to let her know that we would be working together on these issues.

Needless to say we walked out of the meeting without touching the ground. God has opened for us a very large door to be able to minister to the children, the people, and the government of Colombia and this was just the first day!