Fifth Trip June, 2010 Day 3

Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name. What a wonderful day we had today! We started out the morning with our team devotion. This time we explored some of the many places in scripture where it reveals that Jesus not only “saw” and “felt” but He also “acted.” We determined in our hearts to imitate Him in this as well today. Our visit today was at ProNacer, a Christian orphanage in Bogota proper with fifty two boys in a very small three-story house in a rough part of town. The staff and leadership of this orphanage are devout Christians who teach the Bible and Christian values to the children diligently. The Spirit of Christ was evident everywhere there and He really made our day bright and beautiful. This was my third visit to ProNacer this year and it was so exciting to see the recognition and excitement in the faces of all my little friends as we walked in. We spent most of the day at the public basket ball court across the street from the orphanage playing every kind of game imaginable. The Kamas brothers have done a wonderful job of managing the games on this trip.

I had to stay on guard all day for sneak attacks from two little ninjas who insisted on testing my martial arts skills left over from my youth 🙂

The ministry provided each boy with two pairs of tennis shoes and we are going to provide a bus to take the boys to the park on Thursday where we and the girls from Amparo De Ninas, where we will be the next three days, will meet up with them for a cookout.

When most of the boys had tired from the ball games they sat down on the grass at the edge of the court and began to make bracelets with the brightly colored string our team had brought them. The intricate patterns were stunning. Many members of the team received bracelets from their little friends before they left.

Once again many hearts were touched and much love was exchanged on both sides. One sad note today was some information that we learned in talking with the staff. They have fifty two boys here of which forty five are eligible for adoption and yet they have only had three boys adopted from here in the last three years. I know the whole team would agree with me in saying that these were some of the sweetest, most respectful, well behaved boys we have ever met and we committed to spreading the news about ProNacer and helping these little boys to achieve their fondest dream… a family of their own.

The personal highlight of my day happened as I was standing in the street next to my Colombian friend Sandra and her cell phone rang. Somehow my Goddaughter, Ginary, had heard that the ministry team was in town and she called Sandra to ask, “Where is my daddy?” Teasing her, Sandra said, “I’m sorry Ginary but your family wasn’t able to make this trip.” Ginary replies, “I understand, it will be ok.” Without another word Sandra hands me the phone and I say, “Hello daughter! I’m coming to see you tomorrow!” Needless to say, there was much excitement on the other end of the phone line and many “I love you’s” and she just kept saying over and over, “bonito, bonito, lindo, lindo” (beautiful, beautiful). I then handed the phone to Lisa and she and Ginary got to exchange “I love you’s.” We will be spending the next three days with them and I can hardly wait to get there in the morning. Lord, give us your eyes, give us your heart, and give us your grace to help these dear children.

Today my sweet daughter Beverly turns nineteen years old. Last year on this date, on her eighteenth birthday, she was here in Bogota with me and we had a party for her at Sandra’s house with a big cake. As we sat at dinner all of the team who was there last year reminisced about Bevy’s B-Day party and asked me to tell her Feliz Cumpleanos! Happy birthday Beverly. Missing you today.

On the bus ride back to the hotel, my sweet daughter Brooke wrote a poem entitled, Kissing the face of Jesus. I wanted to share it with you.

Kissing the face of Jesus

How many times have I longed?

To see my Lord, to sing Him songs?

To stand before Him, to give Him love?

To live with Him in His home above?

How many times have I cried?

He said He was here, I felt He lied.

“Lord I want to see you, to touch you”

And then I learned what I never knew

I found Him right were He said

In his tiny home, in his tiny bed

A little child, across the world

He warmed my heart, which once was cold

I found what I sought in the least of these

Now to my heart he holds the keys

Jesus’ true face, without pride or care

A find like this though humble is rare

This is why I write this rhyme

I will never cringe at the dirt or grime

When I kiss the cheek of mi amigos y amigas

I am kissing the face of Jesus

Brooke Danielle Bullen