Moru Jessica, Ipoloo Paul and Lopeyok Daniel

Welcome to the family siblings Moru Jessica, Ipoloo Paul and Lopeyok Daniel


One day very early on before we even had a fence around Mission Moroto, Mama Rebekah saw a woman with 3 very sick children crossing the grounds and went and spoke to her. She was the aunt of the children whose parents were dead. All 3 children were covered in Scabies, a skin parasite, and were malnourished. Rebekah treated the baby, whom the aunt was nursing, but she took in Daniel and Paul and began treating and caring for them. Little Paul’s shirt had not been changed in so long that he had badly outgrown it and it had to be cut off of him. Layers of dead skin came with the shirt.


A few days later Moru Jessica showed up looking for her brothers. She was malnourished and very skinny. Rebekah invited her to join the family and she gladly accepted. About a year later our traveling nurse recognized a very rapid heartbeat in Jessica and Rebekah took her to the heart hospital in Mbale. She was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. The left side of her heart is swollen from a childhood infection. She receives monthly injections and checkups. All three children are thriving, happy, and very loving. Their aunt and grandmother come regularly to visit them here at Mission Moroto

We are praying for more sponsors for these precious children and funds to build more houses for them.