Mission Moroto Stories – John Lokol

I am Lokol John.


In our family, we are blessed with four children. I am third born.


As I began to grow I started the activity of mining gold near our village as a servant of the family.


In addition to that I started the life of being a shepherd boy looking for animals for one year.


When I started at Rupa Primary School, I was able to only attend for the first term. Because of poverty in the family, I had to drop out.


I started giving all my time to just looking for something to eat because hunger had grown in our family. That made my life and my education difficult.


My village was near Bill’s (Mission Moroto’s late founder) church so I started coming for prayer on Sundays and I joined as a member of the choir for Sunday School.


One day in 2016 I asked Pastor Noah for help and he told me to come to Mission Moroto. I was helped and was included as one of the boys. I helped to go back to school and finish my studies.


Thank you, Lokol John