Archives July 2013

Painting The School

Image 2For the last three weeks we were blessed to have a team of Relationships For Christ missionaries working with us here at Project Samuel.


Since they where coming to work with us for a whole three weeks, Amanda and I went to our kid’s school to ask if we could assist the school in any way.


To our surprise the head Mistress, Christen, asked us if the school bought the paint if we would paint the whole out side of the school.


We were thrilled to be given the chance to improve the learning environment not just for the children from Project Samuel but for all the children who attend the school in Mashikili.


Image 1I think it would be hard for anyone to have as much fun painting as we did!


We only had one sturdy ladder and the rollers we were using were as old as you can imagine.But I wouldn’t have traded the time we spent with all of the kids for better equipment.


The teachers thanked us for giving the kids the opportunity to learn in a better environment.


Love Rebekah Bullen
Image 4

The Teachers



Do as I have done to you

IMG_2449Living here in Zambia Africa has given me a new perspective into what it must have been like for Jesus to wash His disciples feet. After wearing sandals all day my feet are covered in dirt and I have to scrub my feet for quite some time every night to clean all the dirt off.

One night as I was cleaning my feet, I thought of my Lovely Lord Jesus humbly kneeling at the feet of one disciple after to another washing their feet and I understood for the first time how truly beautiful was Jesus example of sacrificial love and service.


IMG_2447A team of missionaries came to work at project Samuel this past week to work with us and as a part of our out reach we invited all of the children from the near by villages to come to the project for a fun day of activities and a bible study.

We had about a hundred children show up! The men played soccer and netball with the boys and with the girls we we wanted to do something very special.

Most of the girls here have never had their nails painted so we decided to paint their toe nails.


IMG_2448Most of the children here don’t wear shoes except to school and church so before we painted the girls toenails we washed their feet. The girls where so happy!

As I was washing each little girls feet I prayed she would see in me the love of Jesus who was willing to give up every thing for her and become a servant. We prayed for every girl to come to know The Lord Jesus who loved us enough to lay aside His glory to come and wash our feet.

Love Rebekah