Week With Dad!


Wow what a great two weeks! I was so blessed to have my dad visit me all last week. I had so much fun taking him out on all of the different outreach here at the Dream Center. We went out with the food truck on Tuesday to Nickerson Gardens my Adopt A Block site. The Food truck takes out food everyday to different projects and neighborhoods around L.A. I had a great time introducing my dad to all for my friends and families at Nickerson. On Wednesday we went out with Under The Bridge to give out a hot meal to the homeless on Skid Row. We gave out about two hundred hot plates. What amazes me the most is that Under The Bridge go out everyday and gives out that many if not more food. It is easy as you work in your own ministry to miss the impact that Dream Center is making. I am so glad I had this opportunity to see almost all of the ways the Dream Center is making a change in this city. On Thursday afternoon we went out with Project Prevention. Project Prevention was started by Carolina Barnet to help families from losing their kids because they lack basic necessities like food or diapers. Last year Project Prevention help keep two hundred families from losing their kids. It was awesome to hear some of the stories from the mothers that only were able to keep their kids because of the passion and love of the Dream Center. It really inspired me to know that all those mothers we are able to help because one woman followed God’s call on her life. On Friday we went out with my track on are usual retirement home. It cool to see how many of the residents are starting to expect us to come back and see them. I love hanging out with one lady named Dorothy. I usual color her a picture for her book.

On Saturday I had so much fun introducing my dad to all my families at Nickerson Gardens. Jenny daughter was having her birthday party. So we spent most of the day just hanging out and when we had to leave Jenny gave us all a huge plate of food and wanted to give us a plate of cake as well but we told her that the food was more then we could eat. Sunday after church Dad and I had a great time just hanging out and enjoying time with each other. Monday as I was dropping of my dad at the airport I was sad but I am also exited about the future. Tuesday we went out with our Adopt A Block track to pickup trash in the neighborhoods around the Dream Center. Travis one of our track members brought his guitar with him and as we were walking we ran into a homeless man who asked if he could play Travis’ guitar. I was shocked with how well he could play and sing. He told us he use to be in a band but was kicked out.
We bought him a McDonalds burger and invited him to come to the Dream Center sometime. On Wednesday we were able to take a TV to a lady that Diana one of my good friends knew from her old Adopt A Block sites. It was cool to see how even though Diana had not see this lady in for sometime because of the relationship Diana built with her, they were still like old friends. Friday we went to the park with our track. We played on the playset and laid in the grass to tan. For our after school program we had a killer water balloon fight with the kids. It started with just balloon but ended up with everyone getting a bucket of water dumped over their heads.  Saturdays Adopt A Block was awesome I was able to visit all my families and talk with most of my kids. After Adopt A Block I went hiking with some of my friends to Monrovia Falls. The hike was not very long but was one of the most beautiful hikes I have been on. The waterfall was so beautiful! We are planning on going back next Sunday.