Week Three at the Dream Center

This week was my busiest and hardest, but I had so much fun! On Tuesday we canvassed a high school with fliers for a new outreach we are starting for high school kids that want to play basketball. It was fascinating how the kids that were interested were the outcast of the groups. The popular kids didn’t want anything to do with us. I really praying that we are able to influence a lot of kids through this new outreach. Wednesday a family from the church was moving a needed to give a way a lot of their furniture and cloths. So we were able to load up a whole buss load of stuff. It was awesome! They gave us a couch, four TVs, about five chairs and six mattresses. We are all ways in need of mattresses so that was such a gift from God to be given that many mattresses. Thursday morning we delivered some of our furniture to a lady in need. It is a great experience to really be Jesus hand and feet in a persons life. Thursday afternoon we went back to the church family’s house to load up another full buss load of stuff. It was amazing how much one family was able to give us! God is so good that no matter how many families in need we are helping we always have more then we need. Friday we canvassed again at a different school and again the only kids interested were the one all by themselves out side of the groups. Friday night we went to Skid Row for our weekly outreach. I had prayed all week that we could make a difference in someone’s life and we wouldn’t fall into a passionless rhyme. He answered my pray in a mighty way this Friday! We were walking around a corner when this lady came up to us a say we should go and help this other lady put her shoes on because she couldn’t do it by herself. I was like ok that is a little wired of a lady out of no were comes up and says we should go help someone but ok. So me and my friend went to the lady (whose name is Diana) and asked if we could help her. Diana said she needed help up so she could go around the corner and go to sleep. We help her up but she was so drunk that she could not stand up on her own. We asked Diana where she was going but all she would say was that she needed a cover because she didn’t have one. All Diana had with her was a sheet and the clothes she was wearing. I didn’t know were we could get her a cover because we didn’t have any blankets with us or anything like that but we just started walking her to the back of our group were Dustin one of my team was. Dustin asked a ministry we are friends with called the Joan Projects if they had any blankets we could give Diana and by God’s grace they did. So we made a bed for Diana by a church on Skid Row. We Dustin gave Diana his testimony of being an alcoholic and how he meet Jesus at the dream center. I pray we were able to make her see how she can have a different life. Saturday after adopt a block I just rested and watched a movie. Sunday after church Jonathan wanted to have a site leaders meeting to build up the team. It was awesome, we went to a park in the mountains. I rocked climbed for the first time in my life! They made me leave my camera in the van so I couldn’t get any pictures but it was so much fun. Dustin and I jumped of the side of a cliff in to a stream with all of our cloths on. The water was so cooled but I had do it once in a life time moment! Ok I will write again next week! Love you all.