Ugandan Orphan’s Miracle Story

My story of what God did in my life when you pray while your in problems of poverty. – By Kerisa Paul Mickey


My name is Kerisa Paul Mickey. I am 18-years-old and I am an orphan without parents. When my parents were still alive they used to go and cut firewood and sell to pay my school fees. I was the only one who wanted to study in our home. All my brothers and sisters were not studying due to lack of money for school fees so my parents can afford only to pay me for the little they get from firewood. At times they could not pay me when they have not gone for firewood because they lack money for taking me to school.


In 2011 my eldest brother died so at that time we had nothing to do so I could come back from school and remain at home because my parents were poor they lack money for taking me to school. I stay at home for 4 years without schooling. At that time my parents were shot using a gun so they died and we remain in our house as three in number so we could not do anything by our own. Then a dream came to me thinking of what we are to eat since I was the biggest of the two I decided also to go for firewood in order to sell and get money for our survival. My younger brother became sick more for even the hospital was far. I decided to carry him on my back up to the hospital to get treatment and he recovered two months and then died. I was very weak. I buried him. Then the people of our village helped with some food to eat. Now two of my brothers have gone to my hurt so I remained alone.


In a few days I went also to town to look for some work to do for survival. I got the work and where to sleep and was praying hard. I said, “God, Your the One Who knows everything in my life. During Sunday I could go to Rupa Christian Fellowship (the church at Mission Moroto) That was 2013 and when I came back from prayers I could do housework for the woman I was staying with but all those people don’t pray so when I would come home from church they would quarrel with me. I keep on praying until I was taken to their far village where people are busy on only doing the works. I had no way of praying so I decided to create my own church and I called small children around there and I taught them how to sing gospel songs and how to pray. All children were used to me doing this. It reached a time when that woman and her husband quarreled hard and beat me wrongly because of praying.


One day the demons they came and attacked the woman and she ran mad. The husband call me to sing some gospel songs and praise. I was wondering, “What is going on!” because the man had never like me anyhow. Then I came to know that the demons had attacked the woman so I prayed deeply for the woman. In fact this woman removed all the clothes she wore and was running naked so I prayed and I started singing. Immediately this woman was healed in God’s will. Because if you pray with all your might, soul, and your body, God will answer. Your prayer therefore there’s nothing which defeats God when you pray. Then we started praying together with the family members and we started going to church together. A few days later I dreamed that I was praising the gospel of God with many others and so that dream came true.


I met Pastor Noah Ewaru (Current pastor of Mission Moroto) and Bill Behrmann (late founder of Mission Moroto) and we were praying all that period of time. One day they asked me, “Are you schooling?” I said to them that I had been to school 5 years ago but now I am not schooling due to problems I had. Then another man came to our home and told me his son loves me as his best friend and that he wants to meet with me. I went there and they told me to stay with them because of the son’s love for me. They also desired to take me back to school. I spent two years schooling then they stopped paying school fees so I was chased from school because of the fees so I went home. I had nothing to do.


Suddenly I prayed for awhile. One of my friends at school told me that the teachers were conducting a meeting to see if they could let me keep schooling for free do potential they saw in me. It reached a time when we sat for PLE exams. The result was that the head teacher refused to give me the recommendation because I had not paid. I was told to pay 170,000 Shillings in order to get in. I had nothing to do. I went to look for work outside school so I could afford to get the money for the recommendation. Now joining highschool became a problem so I left school and had nowhere to go, stay, or sleep. Later a big friend of mine who was married took me to stay with him. We prayed even though we were different religions. We prayed concerning my future. On Sundays I could go to Rupa Christian Fellowship. Eventually I started preaching and sharing with others. People were wondering about my preaching because I preached as if I had the training of being a pastor. Until now I am still serving God and I want to continue serving Him until the end of my life because He picked me up from was dark but now I have shine. Glory be to Him. With prayer, everything is possible. Now a days I lead the evening praise, worship, and preaching every other evening at Mission Moroto. Thank you Mama Rebekah.


Love Kerisa Paul Mickey